It was a good week for wildlife and nature, Persian leopard was held for extinct and Siberian snow leopard has been photographed for the very first time.
Today a seminar was held in CERN about the Higgs search status. There were rumors they finally found the particle that would complete the standard model of partical physics.
The Jungle Book author Rudyard Kipling did explain how the leopard got its spots and camel its hump, but he never answered how the zebra got its stripes.
A new study shows, in years 2003-2010 about 4 billion metric tons of Himalayan glacier's ice melted away, that's less then 10 percent of the amount that was predicted before.
Getting pandas to mate in captivity was never an easy task, breeding in nature is also considered not to be taken for granted. Newest studies now explain the peculiar behaviour.
Running on the soft sandy beach is pretty hard and can take a breath out of one in no time. Let's see how the little DynaRoach - lizard inspired robot performs on sand.
Rover Curiosity, the biggest laboratory on wheels, successfully landed on the Red Planet's deepest crater called Gale and you can follow it on Twitter and Facebook as well.
Ig Nobel Prizes are given to serious scientists where result of research is to make people laugh, then make them think. Now they have just announced winners for 2012.
Scientists have found that the largest animal in the world performs underwater acrobatics to successfully catch the huge amounts of their prey which really is amazing considering its size.
This is huge, Discovery channel announced that they recorded the first ever video footage of a giant squid in its natural habitat and it will go on air in less than a week. Here is a part of that footage.
You always wanted to visit the Grand Canyon but it isn't exactly nearby where you live? You can now click or swipe your way across the 75 miles of trails and surrounding roads, thanks to Google.
Rex is the most advanced humanoid in the world and it was shown to the public yesterday in London. It has a beating heart and eyes that can see. Meet Rex and its human doppelganger with bionic arm.
NASA has launched three smartphones into orbit as part of a low-budget, experimental satellite program to prove that a satellite can be built for less than $1,000 using off the shelf equipment.
In recent days a new spectacular dinosaur finding has been been discovered, a very well preserved 5 meter fossil of a 72 million year old dinosaur. Want to know which dinosaur it could belong to?
You would expect the North Pole to be all white, covered in snow and cold, but not at the moment, as the North Pole literally turned into a lake. Global warming or natural process?
Always great to hear about new animal species being discovered and this species of shark discovered taking a stroll in the shallows of Indonesian ocean.
Biohacker implanted what is probably the first ever computer chip implant that can monitor, record and transmit his biomertics. And he did it without the help of certified doctor.
It has been known for years, that some mammals decreased in size significantly during the two ancient global warming events. The same thing could happen as a result of human caused global warning.
The evidence of ancient bacteria were found in rocks that are extremely rare, and If scientists happen to stumble upon them, they're almost always compromised by forces of nature.
French engineering company have announced that its new generation wind turbine is finally finished and ready to produce some serious megawatts of electricity.
Scientists have discovered vast amounts of freshwater beneath the oceans, miles away from the shore. Could this help with the global freshwater shortage?
We are losing our top large predators as their numbers are constantly falling bringing many species to the very edge of extinction, which has been causing harmful reactions across the landscapes and food chains.
It has been more than 100 years since scientists found a new river dolphin species and now they believe they found it in one of the rivers of the vast Amazon forest in Brazil.
The latest DNA analysis of around 7,000 years old male hunter-gatherer from Spain may shed some new light over the theory of why European's skin became lighter in color.