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Use Gmail to send emails from your other addresses

Use Gmail to send emails from your other addresses

 Web services  | Author: mat

A really great Gmail functionallity that enables you to send emails from your other email addresses using your main Gmail account. Let's find out how to add other addresses to your account. 

How to add  bookmarks on Samsung Galaxy SII

How to add bookmarks on Samsung Galaxy SII

 Mobile platforms  | Author: mat

Bookmarks are a great way to save the website addresses you don't want to forget about, this is how you add them to a stock web browser on your Samsung Galaxy S2.

Add a website shortcut to home screen in iOS 7

Add a website shortcut to home screen in iOS 7

 Mobile platforms  | Author: mat

This is how you add your favorite websites shortcut to your iPad or iPhone running iOS 7. It's a really useful feature if you are accessing some webpages frequently.

How to automatically login to Windows 8.1

How to automatically login to Windows 8.1

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: Brodjan

If you don't like to type password every time you login to your computer you can set the computer logs in to the system automatically.

What do You Know About  Christopher Columbus?

What do You Know About Christopher Columbus?

 Knowledge Check  | Author: bole

Christopher Columbus was an European explorer and trader who by coincidence discovered America in the 15th Century. Check your knowledge and build up your Dreevoo profile.

Make building taller with Photoshop

Make building taller with Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

There's nothing Adobe Photoshop can't do, making skyscraper even taller shouldn't be too hard.

How to resize tiles in Windows 8

How to resize tiles in Windows 8

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: Brodjan

Windows 8 tiles are pretty customizable, let me show you what tile sizes are available and how you change them

How to create a continuous pattern using Photoshop

How to create a continuous pattern using Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

If you were ever wondering how the heck do they create those continuous patterns, then wonder no more and check this neat Photoshop tutorial that might teach you a new designing trick or two.

Link in a table a dreamweaver HTML tutorial

Link in a table a dreamweaver HTML tutorial

 Adobe Dreamweaver  | Author: starcitizen

You will learn how to set a link in a table or a single cell with a help of a short on.click script using Adobe Dreamweaver. Using tables may be a bit old school, but it's a great way to learn about the HTML basics.

Create a bootable Windows 7 USB key

Create a bootable Windows 7 USB key

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: mat

In this day of age, it's very practical to have a Windows 7 installation on your USB key, for many netbooks and devices don't come with CD/DVD drives anymore.

Turn on dynamic animated wallpaper in iOS 7

Turn on dynamic animated wallpaper in iOS 7

 Mobile platforms  | Author: NikMan

The newest iOS7 for Apple mobile devices like iPhone or iPad come with a number of neat looking features, dynamic background is one of them.

7.4 cubic km of ice crashing into the ocean

7.4 cubic km of ice crashing into the ocean

 News  | Author: mat

The largest iceberg calving ever documented on a film, imagine the Manhattan breaking apart in front of your eyes.

How to set  alerts in Mac OS X Mountain Lion

How to set alerts in Mac OS X Mountain Lion

 Apple software  | Author: mat

Mountain Lion enables you to set notification alerts to remind you of upcoming birthdays, tasks, meetings and other important events you might have in your calendar.

Get a color palette of an image using an online service

Get a color palette of an image using an online service

 Web services  | Author: mat

A real useful web service for all the designer who want to know what colors have been used on a certain image. You can even download a Photoshop Swatch file containing the color palette of the image.

Changing user interface on Android phone

Changing user interface on Android phone

 Mobile platforms  | Author: mat

Let's change the main user interface on you Android powered phone with a different one you might like better.

Bill Gates is not returning to Microsoft

Bill Gates is not returning to Microsoft

 News  | Author: mat

While being on holiday in Sydney Australia, Bill Gates dissmised the rumors  about his comeback to Microsoft.

Displaying 1-16 of total 1945
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