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Displaying 1-16 of total 38
Why is discovery of gravitational waves a scientifical breakthrough

Why is discovery of gravitational waves a scientifical breakthrough

 Space  18th March 2014 | Author: Spaceman

"It's not everyday you wake up and learn something completely new about the early universe." This really is an incredible discovery, a whole new era in physics and cosmology.

Mars Curiosity rover took a photo of the Earth

Mars Curiosity rover took a photo of the Earth

 Space  7th February 2014 | Author: Spaceman

This is how our bellowed planet looks like on Martian twilight sky. It's the brightest point of light in the sky, and NASA's curiosity rover took a picture.

Pictures taken by China's first spacecraft on the Moon

Pictures taken by China's first spacecraft on the Moon

 Space  16th December 2013 | Author: Spaceman

After almost 40 years, there is a new robot on the Moon and it was successfully launched by China. Check out a few pictures Chinese moon rover already captured up there.

Watch one of the best meteor showers this year

Watch one of the best meteor showers this year

 Space  13th December 2013 | Author: Spaceman

Geminid meteor shower is suppose to be one of the best displays space has to offer this year, so be sure not to miss it! You can also watch the live broadcast of the event on Dreevoo.

First video in history showing Moon orbiting Earth

First video in history showing Moon orbiting Earth

 Space  11th December 2013 | Author: Spaceman

NASA's Juno spacecraft captured the first ever video of how our world would look like to visitors from outer space would.

Watch NASA's Next Mars Mission LIVE

Watch NASA's Next Mars Mission LIVE

 Space  18th November 2013 | Author: Spaceman

At 1:28 pm ET today, NASA will launch its MAVEN Mission to Mars and you can watch it live here!

India is going to Mars

India is going to Mars

 Space  6th November 2013 | Author: Spaceman

Great news for all the space buffs, India's first-ever Mars probe has been launched to begin the countries very first interplanetary mission.

Amazing 3D animated tour of our Solar System

Amazing 3D animated tour of our Solar System

 Space  4th November 2013 | Author: Spaceman

Shane Gehlert and his creative mind created a mind-blowing animation based on NASA's 3D models of the Solar System and gave it an educational mode.

Mindblowing 3D video of Mars surface

Mindblowing 3D video of Mars surface

 Space  1st November 2013 | Author: Spaceman

Spectacular video made of hundreds of stitched together images taken by the Mars Express spacecraft showing the Red Planet  in three dimensions like never before.

Surely the Most Beautiful Saturn Photo Ever

Surely the Most Beautiful Saturn Photo Ever

 Space  17th October 2013 | Author: Spaceman

The latest photo of Saturn you are about to witness is so perfect and mind-blowing you will most probably have hard time believing that it is not fake.

Mars Might Contain Enough Water for Future Explorers

Mars Might Contain Enough Water for Future Explorers

 Space  27th September 2013 | Author: Spaceman

NASA's Curiosity rover stumbled upon a dirt which may contain enough water for the future Mars explorers to extract it from.

The Moon is 100 Million Years Younger as Thought

The Moon is 100 Million Years Younger as Thought

 Space  24th September 2013 | Author: Spaceman

According to the latest research, our moon is significantly younger than scientists previously believed.

The life on Earth may have originated from Mars

The life on Earth may have originated from Mars

 Space  29th August 2013 | Author: Spaceman

Breaking news! New studies suggest that life on Earth may have actually started on Mars, can you image how?

Japan sends Kirobo the talking robot into space

Japan sends Kirobo the talking robot into space

 Space  4th August 2013 | Author: Spaceman

Russia was first in space, the United States was the first on the moon and Japan will now be the first nation to send a robot-astronaut to space that can communicate with humans.

Hubble telescope finds a blue planet

Hubble telescope finds a blue planet

 Space  12th July 2013 | Author: Spaceman

NASA's famous space telescope, or its imaging spectograph detected the planet HD 189733b to be of a true blue color.

New potentially habitable plantets found

New potentially habitable plantets found

 Space  22nd April 2013 | Author: Spaceman

This is big, NASA's Kepler discovered three 'new Earths' in the habitable zones of the two new planetary systems.

Displaying 1-16 of total 38
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