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Science and nature

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Why the zebra has stripes

Why the zebra has stripes

 Science and nature  10th February 2012 | Author: mat

The Jungle Book author Rudyard Kipling did explain how the leopard got its spots and camel its hump, but he never answered how the zebra got its stripes.

Ig Nobel Prize Winners List 2012

Ig Nobel Prize Winners List 2012

 Science and nature  23rd September 2012 | Author: podtalje

Ig Nobel Prizes are given to serious scientists where result of research is to make people laugh, then make them think. Now they have just announced winners for 2012.

The power of Kawaii makes you more focused

The power of Kawaii makes you more focused

 Science and nature  3rd October 2012 | Author: mat

The more you look at the pictures of cute baby animals, the more your concentration improves, so says the latest study from Japan.

Naked mole rats feel no pain

Naked mole rats feel no pain

 Science and nature  16th December 2011 | Author: mat

Naked mole rats are tough little buggers, according to latest research, they don't feel any pain from acid.

Meet the Medusoid,  world's first cyborg

Meet the Medusoid, world's first cyborg

 Science and nature  23rd July 2012 | Author: mat

Scientists successfully created a world's first cybernetic organism from rat cells and silicone.

New terrifying dinosaur found in North America

New terrifying dinosaur found in North America

 Science and nature  22nd November 2013 | Author: KimmyK

Breaking news! A new species of predatory dinosaur, that probably terrorized the mighty T-Rex has been found in North America.

Why should large meat eaters be preserved

Why should large meat eaters be preserved

 Science and nature  10th January 2014 | Author: KimmyK

We are losing our top large predators as their numbers are constantly falling bringing many species to the very edge of extinction, which has been causing harmful reactions across the landscapes and food chains.

Pale octopus and other new species found

Pale octopus and other new species found

 Science and nature  4th January 2012 | Author: mat

Various new species found in deep sea near Antarctica, living in temperatures of 752F.

Humans carry fifth of Neanderthal's genetic code

Humans carry fifth of Neanderthal's genetic code

 Science and nature  31st January 2014 | Author: mat

Due to sexual encounters between Neanderthals and our direct ancestors we carry quite a fair chunk of Neanderthal's genome.

Immense freshwater reserves found under the Oceans

Immense freshwater reserves found under the Oceans

 Science and nature  10th December 2013 | Author: mat

Scientists have discovered vast amounts of freshwater beneath the oceans, miles away from the shore. Could this help with the global freshwater shortage? 

New river dolphin species found in Brazil

New river dolphin species found in Brazil

 Science and nature  27th January 2014 | Author: KimmyK

It has been more than 100 years since scientists found a new river dolphin species and now they believe they found it in one of the rivers of the vast Amazon forest in Brazil.

Huge king sized wasp found in Indonesia

Huge king sized wasp found in Indonesia

 Science and nature  28th March 2012 | Author: KimmyK

Scientists have discovered a new species of giant, venomous wasp on Indonesian island. You really need to see this awesome insect.

Coldest place on Earth

Coldest place on Earth

 Science and nature  16th December 2013 | Author: mat

Scientists have recorded the new lowest temperatures on Earth since the record from 1983. And let me tell, the numbers are breathtaking low.

Huge step made in understanding touch sensations

Huge step made in understanding touch sensations

 Science and nature  30th December 2011 | Author: mat

A breakthrough color-coding technique has been developed to give neuroscientists a tool for studying the mysterious touch sense.

Global warming makes animals shrink

Global warming makes animals shrink

 Science and nature  3rd November 2013 | Author: KimmyK

It has been known for years, that some mammals decreased in size significantly during the two ancient global warming events. The same thing could happen as a result of human caused global warning.

Neutrinos are not faster than light, CERN admits

Neutrinos are not faster than light, CERN admits

 Science and nature  8th June 2012 | Author: mat

In the latest news, CERN admits that their claim to have caught neutrinos breaking the speed of light is faulty.

Displaying 1-16 of total 48
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