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Displaying 401-416 of total 1105
Plan your trip with Nokia N9 using Nokia Maps

Plan your trip with Nokia N9 using Nokia Maps

 Nokia N9  22nd February 2012 | Author: NikMan

Nokia claims to have the the best maps of all the mobile phones. Lets see if you can plan a trip and check the point of interests on the way.

How to create a table in Google Docs

How to create a table in Google Docs

 Google Drive  27th January 2014 | Author: bole

In this lesson I will show you how you can very easily and quickly create a table in Google Drive document.

Make your Windows 7 faster without new programs

Make your Windows 7 faster without new programs

 Windows 7  19th August 2012 | Author: TheDude

If on your Windows 7 computer opening programs, saving documents, browsing the Internet and other every day tasks are getting slower, this is how you speed up things without installing an additional program.

Create and set the table in Dreamweaver

Create and set the table in Dreamweaver

 Basics  7th November 2013 | Author: bole

Tables are one way of creating Web pages. I'll show you the basics of working with them and something more.

How to create a folder

How to create a folder

 Windows 7  24th September 2011 | Author: mat

You will learn how to create, rename and delete folders in Windows 7 so you can organize your pictures, documents and other files.

Super fast logo creation

Super fast logo creation

 Text  9th October 2011 | Author: mat

With a free image editing software GIMP you can create a logo in a matter of just few clicks.

Manipulate individual letters in text using Photoshop

Manipulate individual letters in text using Photoshop

 Text  13th February 2013 | Author: NikMan

In this interesting Photoshop tutorial I will show you how to move, rotate, resize and overlap individual letters, numbers and other characters in text.

Subtract time and display its negative value in Excel

Subtract time and display its negative value in Excel

 Microsoft Excel  8th June 2013 | Author: NikMan

I will show you a nice little Microsoft Excel trick which you can use to subtract time and also display its negative time value.

Import and export Word documents to Google docs

Import and export Word documents to Google docs

 Google Drive  15th February 2013 | Author: mat

You can upload and import any MS Word document file to Google docs/drive as you can download and export a Google docs document to you computer and open it with MS Word.

How to unlike a Facebook page

How to unlike a Facebook page

 Facebook  25th February 2012 | Author: mat

If you are sick of all the stuff a certain Facebook Page is feeding you or you just don't like the brand anymore, this is how you Unlike Facebook Pages.

First use of Word in Windows Phone 8

First use of Word in Windows Phone 8

 Windows Phone  14th March 2013 | Author: NikMan

Windows Phone 8 powered devices like Nokia Lumia 920 come with the Word up. Let me show you how to create and save your very first Word document on your phone.

How to setup and use Google Drive

How to setup and use Google Drive

 Google Drive  1st May 2012 | Author: mat

Google Drive is your private space on the Internet, where you can store any data you want and synchronize it with you PC, Mac or Android powered device. Let me show you how.

Enable or disable automatic app updates in Mac OS X Mavericks

Enable or disable automatic app updates in Mac OS X Mavericks

 Mac OS X  20th February 2014 | Author: mat

If you are the kind of person you want to read what has been changed before updating an app you can disable the auto app update setting. Or enable if you want updates fully automated.

How to do a light leak effect in Photoshop

How to do a light leak effect in Photoshop

 Retouching  25th August 2012 | Author: mat

Let me show you how to achieve that hipster vintage camera light leak effect on a photo using Adobe Photoshop CS5.

Searching with latitude and longitude coordinates

Searching with latitude and longitude coordinates

 Web sites  8th August 2012 | Author: Joel_5000

Are you searching with latitude and longitude coordinates? Google maps might help you with ease.

How to use Google Search widget on Android phones

How to use Google Search widget on Android phones

 Android  11th June 2012 | Author: mat

Google Search widget is a great way to access contacts, apps and other data on your phone, and perform a regular Google web search.

Displaying 401-416 of total 1105
Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Office Microsoft Office
Adobe Photoshop Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Dreamweaver Adobe Dreamweaver
Adobe Premiere Adobe Premiere
The Gimp The Gimp
Apple software Apple software
Mobile platforms Mobile platforms
Web services Web services
Other applications Other applications
Programming languages Programming languages
online learning made for people