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How to remove teeth and eyebrows with Photoshop

There's a new Internet meme floating around these days showcasing celebrities without teeth and eyebrows. Let's see how to create one of your own in no time using Photoshop.

  Author: NikMan | Version: CS5 | 3rd April 2013 |  

Open a picture of a smiling celebrity.

Lovely Emma Thompson, but not for long ;)


Choose the Clone Stamp Tool.


Right-click the document and choose an appropriate brush size for your picture (about the size of a tooth).


Hold the Alt key (Option on MacOS) and click the dark part of the mouth we are going to use as cloning source.


Release the Alt key and click the teeth to clone them over.

If you want you can leave the gums so it will look even more realistic.


If needed press Alt key and choose a new source for the cloning brush.

This way I remove all of the upper teeth.


Lets now remove the eyebrows as well.

Again hold the Alt key (Option on MacOS) and click the skin area above or next to the eyebrows to select cloning source.


Release the key and click or paint over the eyebrows to remove them or cover them with skin to be more precise.


This is how Emma looks like at this point.



Let's now correct the smudges around the removed eyebrows.

Choose the Spot Healing Brush Tool (J for a keyboard shorcut).

Make sure you have the Content-Aware Type selected in the toolbar above.


Now simply click the problem areas around the eyebrows to correct them.


Hey there gorgeous!

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Mukarachi, 4th Apr 2013, 11:25 PM
Yes, this is popular this week
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JessicaLange, 4th Apr 2013, 11:30 PM
Here are some examples which I have founded on the web

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JessicaLange, 4th Apr 2013, 11:31 PM
And even more

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maicho, 30th Sep 2023, 10:09 AM
I couldn't help but laugh when I saw these pictures of you. You are a good person at photoshop, so everyone just needs to follow the instructions and you can do it. https://wordlewordle.net/
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timothyferris, 18th Oct 2023, 3:55 AM
It's funny, I was so funny when I saw the toothless photos https://immaculategrid.io
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pinaagaion, 28th Nov 2024, 3:46 PM
To make it appear even more realistic, you can choose to leave the gums in place. Check: https://hamiltonpainter.co.nz
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