Dots over the picture with Photoshop
Let's make the photo appear, like it's made out of hundreds of little dots.
Open a picture.
I've decided to edit the photo with Duffy.
Press Ctrl + J to duplicate the picture into the new layer.
Move the new layer (holding the mouse) between the two layers (see picture).
Click Edit in the menu and choose Fill ...
In the new Fill window, choose Black for Use and click OK.
Layer is now filled with black color.
Select the most upper layer.
In the menu click Filter, Pixelate in choose Mosaic ...
Set the Cell Size as you wish and click OK. The Cell size depends on the size of the picture. Remember the size you've set.
In the menu click File and New...
Set the Width and Height to the same amount you've set in the previous step.
Set the Background Contents to White and click OK.
You've just created a new document to which we will add the dot.
Choose the Elliptical Marquee Tool.
You have to click the mouse and hold it on the Rectangular Marque Tool in order to make the Elliptical Marque Tool appear.
Make an elliptical selection on the new document just like on the picture.
In the menu click Edit and choose Fill...
In the Fill window choose Black for the Use and click OK.
Press Ctrl + D do deselect the selection.
In the menu click Edit and choose Define Pattern...
Enter the name of the new pattern and click OK.
I've named it pikica, don't ask me why :)
Reopen the document you've been editing at first.
Select the upper most layer and click Add layer mask (see picture).
In the menu click Edit and choose Fill.
In the Fill window select Pattern for Use and choose the pattern you created a few steps back (see picture).
Click OK.
And this is how the whole picture looks like now. Pretty neato!