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Displaying 17-32 of total 55
Eco friendly Android phone

Eco friendly Android phone

 Technology  2nd February 2012 | Author: mat

Chinese company ADzero will be releasing an Android powered smartphone made of bamboo wood.

Japanese robot can climbe ladders

Japanese robot can climbe ladders

 Technology  1st December 2011 | Author: mat

Robots are getting smarter and more agile, ladder climbing robot from Osaka in Japan is a prime example of these humaniods.

Take a Google Street View tour of UK submarine

Take a Google Street View tour of UK submarine

 Technology  4th November 2013 | Author: mat

Google added another great place to explore to the Google Maps. This time you can explore the mysterious insides of an U.K. based military submarine, the HMS Ocelot.

MIT's Transformer Robots in the Making

MIT's Transformer Robots in the Making

 Technology  10th October 2013 | Author: mat

Transformer robots are no longer only a science fiction we get to watch in the movies. MIT is developing a real life self-assembling robots and let me tell you the future in this department looks mighty bright.

New Surface tablet by Microsoft

New Surface tablet by Microsoft

 Technology  19th June 2012 | Author: mat

Microsoft just revealed a tablet of their own that seems to have quite a number of advantages when compared with competitors.

British ISPs forced to block The Pirate Bay

British ISPs forced to block The Pirate Bay

 Technology  6th May 2012 | Author: MrEinStain

British High Court has decided that Internet Service Providers (ISPs) should block access to the file sharing website The Pirate Bay.

Adobe to abandon Creative Suit for Creative Cloud

Adobe to abandon Creative Suit for Creative Cloud

 Technology  7th May 2013 | Author: mat

After 10 years, Adobe CS6 is the very last in the Creative Suit series as Adobe will focus entirely on the web and subscription based Creative Cloud service. Learn all about it.

HP webOS going open source

HP webOS going open source

 Technology  9th December 2011 | Author: mat

Decision has been made, HP is going to contribute it's unlucky operating system webOS to the open source community.

Windows 8 Pro will cost $70 but only for a while

Windows 8 Pro will cost $70 but only for a while

 Technology  21st August 2012 | Author: mat

The promotional price for Windows 8 Pro will be $69.99 but after the promotion period ends it will cost you $199.

Google buys Boston Dynamics

Google buys Boston Dynamics

 Technology  14th December 2013 | Author: TheDude

Google confirmed that the acquisition of Boston Dynamics - makers of research robots for Pentagon - has been completed on Friday.

Vending machine 2.0 hits Japan

Vending machine 2.0 hits Japan

 Technology  20th December 2011 | Author: mat

Check out this crazy hi-tech Japan vending machine, equipped with see-through 65 inch full HD display and facial recognition.

Photoshopped or not tool

Photoshopped or not tool

 Technology  29th November 2011 | Author: mat

As you have probably noticed, celebrity photos these days have little to nothing to do with reality. How to measure retouche level of altered Photos?

The Samsung Galaxy SIII teaser website

The Samsung Galaxy SIII teaser website

 Technology  22nd April 2012 | Author: mat

Samsung launched a count down page to present a first teaser for the successor of Samsung Galaxy SII smartphone.

Senseye control your smartphone with your eyes

Senseye control your smartphone with your eyes

 Technology  2nd December 2011 | Author: mat

Siri lets you control your iPhone 4S with your voice, how does controlling your phone with your eyes sound?

Microsoft transparent 3D desktop

Microsoft transparent 3D desktop

 Technology  28th February 2012 | Author: mat

Another new invention by Microsoft Applied Sciences Group, a see through, 3D all in one desktop. Sounds interesting? 

Samsungs Galaxy S III facts and specifications

Samsungs Galaxy S III facts and specifications

 Technology  4th May 2012 | Author: mat

Samsung unveiled their newest flagship Android smartphone, Galaxy S III. Let's see what it can do.

Displaying 17-32 of total 55
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