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Adobe Photoshop

Displaying 241-256 of total 302
How to replace a face with Photoshop

How to replace a face with Photoshop

 Retouching  28th January 2012 | Author: mat

Have you seen that Face/Off movie? I'm going to show you how to take a face from one picture and transplant it to a person on another picture.

How to add black frame around picture

How to add black frame around picture

 Basics  26th August 2011 | Author: mat

Some pictures can look even nicer with a black frame around them. Black frames work best on white backgrounds.

How to create a stereoscopic 3D effect in Photoshop

How to create a stereoscopic 3D effect in Photoshop

 Drawing  28th February 2013 | Author: NikMan

Would you believe that this cool looking 3D effect can be done in less then 5 steps? Let me show you how using Photoshop.

How to create a black and white motivational poster

How to create a black and white motivational poster

 Drawing  28th November 2012 | Author: NikMan

Let's create that simplified black and white effect on a photo using threshold adjustment and make a so called Internet meme or a motivational poster ready to be printed on an A4 size paper.

Create a selection using Quick Mask in Photoshop

Create a selection using Quick Mask in Photoshop

 Basics  10th June 2012 | Author: mat

Another cool way to make selections in Photoshop is using a quick mask. It should be one of the essential weapons in your Photoshop arsenal.

Create a simple 3D snowman with Photoshop

Create a simple 3D snowman with Photoshop

 Drawing  1st February 2012 | Author: mat

I will show you how to draw a nice and simple snowman, using Adobe Photoshop 3D tools and features.

Selective black and white images

Selective black and white images

 Colors  31st August 2011 | Author: mat

Your were probably wondering how to achieve that selective black and white effect on pictures. There's a lot of ways, let learn one of them.

Have a rocking birthday Part 2

Have a rocking birthday Part 2

 Retouching  23rd February 2012 | Author: mat

Let's wish our friends a happy birthday with a different kind of a birthday card in the part 2 of this rocking birthday card tutorial.

Text in space

Text in space

 Text  5th November 2011 | Author: mat

We're going to prepare a deep space like looking background and then add some subtle yet visible text.

Simple Two Color Pop Art Photo Effect

Simple Two Color Pop Art Photo Effect

 Photo effects  12th December 2013 | Author: NikMan

Pretty simple and interesting Photoshop tutorial where we will open random photograph and add a two color pop art effect.

Lava Creation Photoshop Tutorial

Lava Creation Photoshop Tutorial

 Effects  2nd January 2014 | Author: NikMan

In this Photoshop tutorial we will create a simple and pretty interesting lava effect from a scratch and without using any extra pictures.

Red eye removal

Red eye removal

 Photo effects  29th August 2011 | Author: mat

When taking photos using a flash, it's a common occurrence of people having red eyes on the picture.

Tool for Quick Color Change on Photograph

Tool for Quick Color Change on Photograph

 Colors  10th October 2013 | Author: NikMan

Basic tutorial for everyone who want to will learn how to use a dedicated tool for really quick changing of any color you want on a photograph with the help of trusty Photoshop.

Colorful Stained Glass with Photoshop

Colorful Stained Glass with Photoshop

 Effects  24th August 2013 | Author: NikMan

Really fast and easy Photoshop step by step tutorial where you will be able to create interesting effect from a scratch.

Boost up colors using black and white tones

Boost up colors using black and white tones

 Colors  16th February 2012 | Author: mat

A simple and useful tutorial where you will learn how to amplify colors and contrast with the help of black and white toning.

Multiple Color Overlays over the Photograph

Multiple Color Overlays over the Photograph

 Colors  3rd November 2013 | Author: NikMan

In this Photoshop tutorial we will open a random photo and add multiple colors over it and blend them over to make it really attractive.

Displaying 241-256 of total 302
Basics Basics
Colors Colors
Drawing Drawing
Effects Effects
Photo effects Photo effects
Retouching Retouching
Text Text
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