As your most probably noticed, Pinterest is the newest social media craze, generating more traffic to other websites then LinkedIn, YouTube and Google+ combined!
If you are sick of all the stuff a certain Facebook Page is feeding you or you just don't like the brand anymore, this is how you Unlike Facebook Pages.
Google by far isn't only a search service or an e-mail provider. I will introduce you to their Google Docs service which you can use as your very own office in the cloud.
If you want to boost up online presence for your brand, company or product, I recommend you to create a Facebook page. I will show you how to create one and how to get started.
Google Chrome has a handy function where you can just paste an url or search term and you will go straight to the page or get the Google search results.
Do you want to buy new mobile phone and you don't know which one? I will show you the way, how to compare phones which will lead to an easier decision.