In first lesson, we will prepare everything for easier comfortable website design. We will install two free programs and set the basics for easy start of designing website.
Some websites overlay their photos and images with another blank image. But there's an easy way to download those pictures if you are using Google Chrome browser.
If there is no WiFi hotspot available and you still want to surf the web with your mobile device, you need to have your mobile provider's APN settings entered and this is where you find them.
You will learn how to install a Google Analytics plug-in to your Wordpress site and connect it to a Google Analytics account, so you can start tracking your web traffic.
Image having a Google Calendar at your hand and disposal in a matter of only one click. Pretty nice I would say, let me introduce you to this mighty useful Google Chrome extension.
If you are afraid of being hacked or someone else using your Facebook account you can enable option that will send you an email or text message in case your account has been accessed from a device that you never used before.
Some web pages have the Save image As... option disabled on a right click when you try to save an image. Let me show you how to get that image anyway using Firefox.
Themes, background images, and layouts are a good way for you to customize your presentation and tailor it to a particular audience. In this lesson you will learn how you can easily set a custom wallpaper, or use a theme that Google Present offers.
Great website where you enter your iPhone or Android phone's IMEI and find out when your repair and service warranty is due and whether your device is locked on unlocked by the carrier.
If you are sick of all the stuff a certain Facebook Page is feeding you or you just don't like the brand anymore, this is how you Unlike Facebook Pages.