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Curiosity rover found ancient riverbed on Mars

Curiosity rover found ancient riverbed on Mars

 Space  28th September 2012 | Author: Spaceman

NASA's Curiosity rover has found evidence of  an ancient stream bed where water once ran through.

Private manned voyage to Mars in 2018

Private manned voyage to Mars in 2018

 Space  21st February 2013 | Author: Spaceman

Space tourist Dennis Tito is planning to lead a 501 days lasting manned mission to Mars in January 2018.

First ever private space flight happening right now

First ever private space flight happening right now

 Space  25th May 2012 | Author: mat

Space Exploration Technologies, a private space company launched a rocket couple a days ago, and sent its Dragon space capsule to dock on the International Space Station.

Huge eruption of solar plasma from the Sun

Huge eruption of solar plasma from the Sun

 Space  22nd October 2012 | Author: mat

On Friday, a solar plasma the size of a couple of Earths was unleashed from the Sun and the amazing display was captured by one of the NASA's sun observing spacecrafts.

Comet Panstarrs visible with your naked eye

Comet Panstarrs visible with your naked eye

 Space  7th March 2013 | Author: Spaceman

Once in a lifetime opportunity to catch the comet Panstarrs with your naked eye as it passes the Sun. It should shine in its fullest on March 10, read on if you don't want to miss it.

Hubble telescope finds a blue planet

Hubble telescope finds a blue planet

 Space  12th July 2013 | Author: Spaceman

NASA's famous space telescope, or its imaging spectograph detected the planet HD 189733b to be of a true blue color.

Space project Gemini pictures released

Space project Gemini pictures released

 Space  28th April 2012 | Author: mat

50 years ago, NASA started a space project Gemini, to prepare astronauts for the forthcoming Apollo program.

Comet Lovejoy shot from International Space Station

Comet Lovejoy shot from International Space Station

 Space  26th December 2011 | Author: mat

International Space Station Commander Dan Burbank captured spectacular imagery of Comet Lovejoy from about 240 miles above the Earth.

Neil Armstrong died

Neil Armstrong died

 Space  25th August 2012 | Author: mat

The first man to ever walked on surface of the Moon, Neil Armstrong has died at the age of 82.

First video in history showing Moon orbiting Earth

First video in history showing Moon orbiting Earth

 Space  11th December 2013 | Author: Spaceman

NASA's Juno spacecraft captured the first ever video of how our world would look like to visitors from outer space would.

India is going to Mars

India is going to Mars

 Space  6th November 2013 | Author: Spaceman

Great news for all the space buffs, India's first-ever Mars probe has been launched to begin the countries very first interplanetary mission.

New potentially habitable plantets found

New potentially habitable plantets found

 Space  22nd April 2013 | Author: Spaceman

This is big, NASA's Kepler discovered three 'new Earths' in the habitable zones of the two new planetary systems.

Russian rocket launched to international space station

Russian rocket launched to international space station

 Space  21st December 2011 | Author: TheDude

Today a Russian rocket with three spacemen blasted off to spend the holidays on the International Space Station.

Iran successfully sent monkey into space

Iran successfully sent monkey into space

 Space  28th January 2013 | Author: Spaceman

Iran's state television reported that Iran has successfully launched a monkey into space in a capsule called "pisgham".

The Moon is 100 Million Years Younger as Thought

The Moon is 100 Million Years Younger as Thought

 Space  24th September 2013 | Author: Spaceman

According to the latest research, our moon is significantly younger than scientists previously believed.

NASA's Voyager reaches the edge of our solar system

NASA's Voyager reaches the edge of our solar system

 Space  6th December 2011 | Author: mat

After more then 30 years of traveling, Voyager 1 spacecraft entered the "no men's land" between our solar system and the rest of the space.

Displaying 1-16 of total 38
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