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Knowledge Check

Displaying 81-96 of total 121
How good is your knowledge of Hollywood movies?

How good is your knowledge of Hollywood movies?

 Culture  4th November 2013 | Author: bole

Hollywood is a district in Los Angeles, California, famous for its commercial area and entertainment industry, and a name used to represent the motion picture industry of the United States.

How well do you know the world of animals?

How well do you know the world of animals?

 Science  3rd November 2013 | Author: bole

The word 'animal' comes from the Latin word animalis, meaning 'having breath'. Answer a few questions from the wonderful world of animals and build up your Dreevoo knowledge score.

A few questions to test your General Knowledge

A few questions to test your General Knowledge

 History  3rd November 2013 | Author: podtalje

Do you know who betrayed Jesus, who was the first man in Space and what did Alfred Nobel invent?

How well do you know historical figures?

How well do you know historical figures?

 History  2nd November 2013 | Author: bole

How well do you know people who have one way or the other influenced on the development of different parts of the world?

How well do you know Slovenia?

How well do you know Slovenia?

 Geography  2nd November 2013 | Author: NikMan

Slovenia is a small country located in the middle of European Union but it is also worldwide known as one of best innovative ones.

What do you know about Australia?

What do you know about Australia?

 Geography  2nd November 2013 | Author: NikMan

We have all heard about Australia, kangaroos, koalas and the magnificent landscapes, but there's much more to this vast and still quite unpopulated continent down under.

How good are you at math?

How good are you at math?

 Science  1st November 2013 | Author: podtalje

Do you think you know maths? Try to answer a few simple math questions and you can quickly see how good you really are.

American Civil War

American Civil War

 History  22nd October 2013 | Author: NikMan

The outcome of the American Civil War is considered to be a cornerstone for the United States as we know it today. Check your knowledge and build up your Dreevoo score.

Check Your World Ocean Knowledge

Check Your World Ocean Knowledge

 Science  15th October 2013 | Author: NikMan

Our beautiful, one and only home called Earth is called the Blue Planet for a reason. Vast oceans make it exceptional when observed from space. Find out how familiar you are with some of the world's oceans facts.

What Do You Know About Google?

What Do You Know About Google?

 Culinary  7th October 2013 | Author: mat

Google takes up about 25% of all the Internet traffic in the world and there is a great chance you are using one of its services on a daily basis. Let's see if you are familiar with some of the Google's facts.

Linux Terminal basics

Linux Terminal basics

 Computing  4th October 2013 | Author: podtalje

Check your knowledge and see if you know anything about Linux by answering a few simple questions regarding commands used in Linux terminal.

How well do you know the Red Planet?

How well do you know the Red Planet?

 Computing  3rd October 2013 | Author: mat

Mars is the most explored and well know planet so far, so you shouldn't have to much trouble knowing some of its facts. Go through this short quiz and build up you Dreevoo knowledge profile.

Check your history of video games knowledge

Check your history of video games knowledge

 Computing  18th June 2013 | Author: NikMan

If you were or still are a fan of video and computer games then this basic quiz shouldn't be much of a challenge. And don't forget you build up your Dreevoo knowledge profile by going through this short tests.

Check your computer history knowledge

Check your computer history knowledge

 Computing  3rd June 2013 | Author: podtalje

A computer is a general purpose device that can be programmed to carry out a finite set of arithmetic or logical operations. Now you can check if you know the history of computers?

Do you know some of the Interesting facts of life?

Do you know some of the Interesting facts of life?

 Computing  1st June 2013 | Author: podtalje

Try and answer to some of the interesting facts of life and build up your personal Dreevoo knowledge profile.

Do you know PHP?

Do you know PHP?

 Computing  27th May 2013 | Author: podtalje

A few basic question about PHP programing language. It should be a piece of cake if you went through our PHP tutorials.

Displaying 81-96 of total 121
Computing Computing
Culinary Culinary
Culture Culture
Geography Geography
History History
Languages Languages
Science Science
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