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Play with Lego in Google Chrome browser

Play with Lego in Google Chrome browser

 Interesting  29th January 2014 | Author: mat

What an amazing news for all the Lego fans! Google Chrome now lets you build stuff from Lego bricks and it is darn addictive.

Skydiver gets almost hit by meteorite

Skydiver gets almost hit by meteorite

 Interesting  3rd April 2014 | Author: mat

Believe it or not, this is a true story and it was the first time something like that was caught on tape. You really need to see this to believe it.

New WTC in New York is the tallest building in US

New WTC in New York is the tallest building in US

 Interesting  14th November 2013 | Author: mat

It is now official, the brand new World Trade Center tower took Chicago's crown for the highest building in United States.

Trillions of carats of impact Diamonds found in Siberia

Trillions of carats of impact Diamonds found in Siberia

 Interesting  18th September 2012 | Author: TheDude

Under the 35 million old asteroid impact area there is a vast source of diamonds, enough to supply the world for the next 3,000 years Russia reveals.

Pictures of 7 vulcanos erupting as we speak

Pictures of 7 vulcanos erupting as we speak

 Interesting  4th December 2011 | Author: mat

Active and erupting vulcanos are not as uncommon as you might think. Let's see 7 of them breaking loose right now

Women Park Rangers in Afganistan's National Park

Women Park Rangers in Afganistan's National Park

 Interesting  7th November 2013 | Author: KimmyK

This is great news for a conservative country such as Afghanistan. Four women have been hired to patrol the Band-e-Amir National Park.

2012 the apocalypse according to Mayans?

2012 the apocalypse according to Mayans?

 Interesting  7th December 2012 | Author: mat

You probably heard about the alleged end of the world that could occur on December 21 2012 and about Mayan calendar predicting the apocalyptic events. Where did all this come from?

Chinese New Year of the Dragon

Chinese New Year of the Dragon

 Interesting  23rd January 2012 | Author: TheDude

Today China has stepped into a Lunar New Year 2012 rounding their traditional Spring festival.

Wikipedia anti-SOPA-PIPA blackout

Wikipedia anti-SOPA-PIPA blackout

 Interesting  18th January 2012 | Author: Ruby

Wikipedia has decided to protest against SOPA and PIPA by shutting down the English Wikipedia for 24 hours.

100 years ago Titanic sank into a deep ice cold ocean

100 years ago Titanic sank into a deep ice cold ocean

 Interesting  15th April 2012 | Author: KimmyK

April 15, 1912 was fatal for 1.503 human lives, as the biggest passenger ship that was ever made, hit the iceberg and sank on it's first voyage.

Playing computer games together makes you think alike

Playing computer games together makes you think alike

 Interesting  21st November 2013 | Author: mat

Scientists have discovered that playing computer games together can make brains of player act the same. Read on if you want to know more about the study of Helsinki Institute for Information Technology.

Bill Gates is not returning to Microsoft

Bill Gates is not returning to Microsoft

 Interesting  15th December 2011 | Author: mat

While being on holiday in Sydney Australia, Bill Gates dissmised the rumors  about his comeback to Microsoft.

Angry Birds Star Wars game is released

Angry Birds Star Wars game is released

 Interesting  8th November 2012 | Author: Spaceman

Rovio just released the newest and much anticipated episode of the world's most played mobile game, Angry Birds Star Wars.

Instagram photos of NY Yankees on Getty Images

Instagram photos of NY Yankees on Getty Images

 Interesting  8th March 2012 | Author: TheDude

You can actually buy portraits of New York Yankees baseball players taken with a the most popular iPhone photo sharing app Instagram.

I know what you did on the Web

I know what you did on the Web

 Interesting  20th July 2012 | Author: mat

Social networks and web services have all sorts of data about you, in some cases they know stuff about you even your close ones don't.

Facebook private messages between pages and fans

Facebook private messages between pages and fans

 Interesting  19th December 2011 | Author: mat

Facebook is starting to introduce a new feature which allows fans to send private messages to business pages.

Displaying 1-16 of total 23
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