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Meat dishes

Displaying 1-11 of total 11
Crunchy chicken Chinese style

Crunchy chicken Chinese style

 Meat dishes  13th September 2011 | Author: Realife

If you like Asian style and if you like chicken, this one should be a piece of cake, or chicken?

Tomato sauce with chicken and vegetables recipe

Tomato sauce with chicken and vegetables recipe

 Meat dishes  27th November 2013 | Author: Pena

I will show you my way how to prepare delicious tomato sauce with chicken and vegetables. Excellent idea what to serve with the pasta.

Stuffed Turkey Rolls

Stuffed Turkey Rolls

 Meat dishes  1st December 2013 | Author: bole

If you don't like to roast the whole turkey you can prepare just white meat which you can stuff and make rolls. I will show you my way of preparing amazing Stuffed Turkey Rolls.

Homemade chicken tortilla wrap

Homemade chicken tortilla wrap

 Meat dishes  17th December 2012 | Author: Funny

popular and tasty snack with chicken, veggies, yogurt dressing and wrapped into a tortilla. You don't need to be a master chef to impress your friends with this one.

Pork on Zucchini recipie

Pork on Zucchini recipie

 Meat dishes  20th November 2013 | Author: Brodjan

Many people appreciate the pork as a soft and good meat. I will show you how to make a little spicy pork with zucchini. It is delicious wealthy meal for lunch or dinner.

Chicken stew with vegetables recipe

Chicken stew with vegetables recipe

 Meat dishes  10th January 2014 | Author: Cob

Stew originates in Hungary, but as many dishes mutated over time depending on tastes. I will show you my was how to prepare chicken stew with vegetables.

Simple fried chicken fillet recipe

Simple fried chicken fillet recipe

 Meat dishes  14th April 2013 | Author: NikMan

I will show you how easy it is to fry a couple of chicken fillets at the comfort of your own home. If you like chicken, you're going to love this.

Homemade chicken kebab sandwich

Homemade chicken kebab sandwich

 Meat dishes  26th December 2012 | Author: banana

There are tens of types of different kebabs. Let's make kebab sandwich hybrid made of chicken fillets and veggies.

How to make a homemade hamburger without a grill

How to make a homemade hamburger without a grill

 Meat dishes  2nd November 2012 | Author: Realife

Let's make a nice, simple and tasty homemade hamburger without the use of a grill, and I'm telling you, it will taste way better than in any of fast-food chains.

Chicken legs with potato and zucchini recipe

Chicken legs with potato and zucchini recipe

 Meat dishes  5th January 2014 | Author: Pena

Today I will show you my way how to prepare chicken legs. As a side dish I will prepare baked potato and zucchini. The combination gives very good combination of tastes.

Roasted chicken file with baked potato

Roasted chicken file with baked potato

 Meat dishes  1st January 2014 | Author: Brodjan

Today I will show you my way how to prepare roasted chiken fillets. As a side dish I will prepare baked potatoes. The combination gives very good combination of tastes.

Displaying 1-11 of total 11
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