If you are looking for a certain words on website, bur there's too much text to find it in a reasonable time, you can use a handy find function built in Google Chrome browser.
Some web pages have the Save image As... option disabled on a right click when you try to save an image. Let me show you how to get that image anyway using Firefox.
Image overlay pattern comes in very handy when a website has a full screen image or a video as a background. Applying a pattern can make things more readable and easier on eyes. Let's Photoshop.
Dropbox is an amazing cloud based web service enabling you to store your stuff like pictures and documents and access them from any device with an Internet connection. Plus you can share the stored items with others.
I will show you how to enable desktop notifications, so you will notice a new email, even if you are not in the window where you have your Gmail account open.
You will learn how to manipulate a photograph in a way it will look like an object, melting snowman in my case, is sticking out of a photo using Photoshop CS5.