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Displaying 65-80 of total 1945
Windows 7 fingerprint logon

Windows 7 fingerprint logon

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: mat

If your notebook or computer comes equipped with a fingerprint scanner, you can use it instead of typing you username and password.

Find out if you know your Gimp basics

Find out if you know your Gimp basics

 Knowledge Check  | Author: mat

A short questioner where you will test your basic knowledge of the Gimp image manipulation program. Have a go at it and build up your knowledge profile stats.

How to quickly add a person to contacts in Outlook

How to quickly add a person to contacts in Outlook

 Microsoft Office  | Author: mat

Let me show you how to add an Email you get to your contacts without breaking a sweat.

Quick Launch in Windows 7

Quick Launch in Windows 7

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: mat

Just like in Windows XP you can also have a Quick Launch function in Window 7, you just need to enable it.

Uninstalling applications in Windows 7

Uninstalling applications in Windows 7

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: mat

If you installed some applications and you don't them any more, uninstall them to save some space and resources.

Classic Superman cartoons remastered

Classic Superman cartoons remastered

 Links  | Author: mat

All the old school Superman fans, you are going to love this. Warner Bros remastered the old Superman cartoons and put them on YouTube, watch them now.

Close all open Windows with a single click

Close all open Windows with a single click

 Other applications  | Author: mat

Nice little program that enables you to close all your opened applications and windows with one single click. It works in Windows XP and Windows 7 and doesn't need installing.

Why is discovery of gravitational waves a scientifical breakthrough

Why is discovery of gravitational waves a scientifical breakthrough

 News  | Author: Spaceman

"It's not everyday you wake up and learn something completely new about the early universe." This really is an incredible discovery, a whole new era in physics and cosmology.

Creating Outlook rules

Creating Outlook rules

 Editor's pick  | Author: mat

We're going to create a rule in Outlook which will move all the e-mails from a certain person to a certain folder.

Logo on a mug

Logo on a mug

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

We're going to open a picture of a mug, put a logo on it and then take proper actions to make it look realistic.

Difference between Windows 8 RT and Windows 8

Difference between Windows 8 RT and Windows 8

 Links  | Author: mat

There are some confusions about the features and and differences between the Windows 8 RT that came out with the Surface tablet and the "normal" version of Windows 8.

Add a folder shortcut to Favorites

Add a folder shortcut to Favorites

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: mat

If you are like me and don't like too many shortcuts on desktop you can add a shorcut to favorites in Windows Explorer.

What do you know about Black holes?

What do you know about Black holes?

 Knowledge Check  | Author: bole

A Black hole is a place in space where gravity pulls so much that even light can not get out. They are one of the greatest mysteries in space. Take this quiz adn find out how much do you really know about Black holes!

How to clear browsing data in Google Chrome

How to clear browsing data in Google Chrome

 Web services  | Author: Cob

It is good from time to time to clear your browsing data, that has accumulated during browsing the web. In this lesson I will show you how to clear browsing data in Google Chrome.

Text adjustment in Microsoft Excel 2013

Text adjustment in Microsoft Excel 2013

 Microsoft Office  | Author: Pena

In this lesson I will show you how to adjust text that is too long for one single cell. There are two different ways to do that.

Awesome Gran Turismo 6 trailer

Awesome Gran Turismo 6 trailer

 Links  | Author: TheDude

One of my all time Play Station racing game series will be in stores this Holiday season and first demo version available in July, Sony says.

Displaying 65-80 of total 1945
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