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Displaying 737-752 of total 1945
No more pink toys GoldieBlox toy commercial

No more pink toys GoldieBlox toy commercial

 Links  | Author: mat

Amazing ad, and so true for real. GoldieBlox toy company made this awesome video commercial a couple of days ago and it already has more than 3,3 million views on YouTube. Must watch.

How to create engraved text effect on a Website

How to create engraved text effect on a Website

 Programming languages  | Author: mat

As you probably noticed on a lot of websites these days, there is an engraved looking effect added to text, let me show you how to add that effect using CSS.

8 new shark species found in depths of Indian Ocean

8 new shark species found in depths of Indian Ocean

 Links  | Author: KidCurious

So far we have only discovered about 5 to 7 percent of the ocean floor and only about a half percent of the whole ocean. Now imagine all the still undiscovered species lurking in depths. 

Fishing out a model airplane with a helicopter

Fishing out a model airplane with a helicopter

 Links  | Author: Mukarachi

Check out this video where really skilled pilot who flew a helicopter to pick up a model airplane from the trees.

How to set an alarm clock on Nexus 4

How to set an alarm clock on Nexus 4

 Mobile platforms  | Author: NikMan

One of the more important features of any mobile phone, let me show you how to set an alarm so it will only ring on the specific days and not on weekends when you need your sleep the most.

Photoshop actions explained for beginners

Photoshop actions explained for beginners

 Programs  | Author: NikMan

Let me show why and how to use another great Adobe Photoshop feature that will make your Photoshop experience even better.

How to create a custom list in MS Excel 2010

How to create a custom list in MS Excel 2010

 Microsoft Office  | Author: mat

If you are using the same entries all over again, you can create a custom list with these entries and when you need it just enter the first one then drag the cell down for the rest to fill out automatically.

Bread on a cat photo manipulation with Photoshop

Bread on a cat photo manipulation with Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

Recent internet meme craze, catbreading. Let me show you how you can do this without molesting the cat, using Photoshop.

How to create and share Screenshot in Windows 8

How to create and share Screenshot in Windows 8

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: Pena

Windows 8.1 allows us to quickly create a screenshot, which we can share forward via e-mail, Dropbox or other applications.

What do you know about India?

What do you know about India?

 Knowledge Check  | Author: Sheeva

Build up your knowledge profile by going through this quick general knowledge quiz about the ancient and beautiful Republic of India.

Activate right click on Apple Magic Mouse

Activate right click on Apple Magic Mouse

 Apple software  | Author: mat

If you were wondering why the right click on your new Apple Magic Mouse isn't working, wonder no more.

Who said it Quiz

Who said it Quiz

 Knowledge Check  | Author: bole

Throughout history, politicians, athletes, movie actors and many others have stated some very famous quotes. Take this quiz to see if you really know who said these famous quotes?

How well do you know The Beatles?

How well do you know The Beatles?

 Knowledge Check  | Author: bole

The Beatles were an English rock band from Liverpool. They are still considered by many as the all time greatest and most influential band.

Homemade apple strudel recipe

Homemade apple strudel recipe

 Recipes  | Author: bole

Apple strudel is a popular desert in Austria and in many countries in Europe that once belonged to the Austro-Hungarian empire. Let me walk you through the process of making a tasty apple strudel of your own.

Change screen shot saving location on Mac OS X

Change screen shot saving location on Mac OS X

 Editor's pick  | Author: mat

By default, when you do a screen shot in Mac OS X, screen shot images get saved on a desktop. Let me show you how to change the location.

How to resize tiles in Windows Phone 8

How to resize tiles in Windows Phone 8

 Mobile platforms  | Author: NikMan

You can choose between three different tile sizes on your Windows Phone 8. I will show you how on my Nokia Lumia 920.

Displaying 737-752 of total 1945
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