By setting the master password in Firefox we can prevent easy access to our stored passwords. This is one of the methods how we can improve our protection.
If you'r a fast typer and don't pay much attention to spelling or English isn't your first language? No biggie, you can get a spell checker add-on for Firefox.
If you have activated the option to store passwords in Mozilla Firefox, than you can easily look at all password you have entered when you were browsing websites.
You wouldn't believe how easy it is to display all your saved passwords in Firefox browser, let me show you how to make your Firefox more secure, especially if you let others use your computer.
Many times I find myself with a large number of opened tabs in Firefox browsers and thankfully you don't need to close the program in order to close all the tabs except the one I want to keep.
Some web pages have the Save image As... option disabled on a right click when you try to save an image. Let me show you how to get that image anyway using Firefox.
Mozilla Firefox is still the web browser with the most plug-ins and extensions to choose from. Today I will show in my opinion one of the most useful ones.