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Adobe Photoshop

Displaying 33-48 of total 302
Photoshop xenon headlights on a car

Photoshop xenon headlights on a car

 Effects  25th January 2012 | Author: mat

You will learn how to turn on xenon headlights on a car using Photoshop effect in this step-by-step tutorial. 

Create a retro comic style girl using Photoshop

Create a retro comic style girl using Photoshop

 Effects  31st March 2012 | Author: mat

We will turn a picture of a girl into a stylish looking comic like poster with the use of Photoshop filters. Anyone can do it, have a go!

Caption the picture or create a meme using Photoshop

Caption the picture or create a meme using Photoshop

 Text  21st October 2011 | Author: mat

Internet is full of pictures with funny, witty captions. Let me show you how to make one of your own so called meme.

Text in a letter

Text in a letter

 Text  15th October 2011 | Author: mat

Pretty basic lesson where we a create a letter and then we put some text inside of it.

Making photos look better using Camera Raw

Making photos look better using Camera Raw

 Colors  20th March 2012 | Author: mat

Did you know you can make your picture look more dramatic and awesome by using Camera Raw feature in Photoshop CS5?

How to create an object reflection in Photoshop

How to create an object reflection in Photoshop

 Basics  5th February 2012 | Author: mat

You have probably seen numerous of object reflections on web pages and magazines. Let me show you how to do that.

The mirror effect

The mirror effect

 Effects  2nd September 2011 | Author: mat

Remember as a kid you played with a mirror, putting your face to the side of it and your friends were laughing  at the funny symmetry of your face and your faces reflection?

Colorful Stained Glass with Photoshop

Colorful Stained Glass with Photoshop

 Effects  24th August 2013 | Author: NikMan

Really fast and easy Photoshop step by step tutorial where you will be able to create interesting effect from a scratch.

Red eye removal

Red eye removal

 Photo effects  29th August 2011 | Author: mat

When taking photos using a flash, it's a common occurrence of people having red eyes on the picture.

How to add black frame around picture

How to add black frame around picture

 Basics  26th August 2011 | Author: mat

Some pictures can look even nicer with a black frame around them. Black frames work best on white backgrounds.

Improve the Lightning on a Photo using Photoshop

Improve the Lightning on a Photo using Photoshop

 Retouching  7th November 2013 | Author: NikMan

Really useful Photoshop retouching tutorial where we will open any photograph of lightning and drastically improve it.

How to blur a part of text in Photoshop

How to blur a part of text in Photoshop

 Text  20th April 2012 | Author: mat

Lets learn a neat little trick, and make a part of a random text look like it's out of focus.

Create a mysterious effect using Photoshop filters

Create a mysterious effect using Photoshop filters

 Effects  1st August 2013 | Author: NikMan

There is an unlimited number of ways to create amazing looking effects using Photoshop and its filters, let me show you how to create a mysterious looking one from scratch.

How to create a thunder with Photoshop

How to create a thunder with Photoshop

 Drawing  18th October 2011 | Author: mat

We're gonna open a new empty document and in only a few steps create a nice pretty realistic looking thunder using Photoshop.

How to create a black and white motivational poster

How to create a black and white motivational poster

 Drawing  28th November 2012 | Author: NikMan

Let's create that simplified black and white effect on a photo using threshold adjustment and make a so called Internet meme or a motivational poster ready to be printed on an A4 size paper.

The basics of Photoshop Layers

The basics of Photoshop Layers

 Basics  3rd August 2011 | Author: mat

Layers are the fundamental feature of Adobe Photoshop products. Without the basic knowledge of layers, the Photoshop experience gets pretty limited.

Displaying 33-48 of total 302
Basics Basics
Colors Colors
Drawing Drawing
Effects Effects
Photo effects Photo effects
Retouching Retouching
Text Text
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