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Displaying 721-736 of total 1105
How to change the display of files in Windows Explorer

How to change the display of files in Windows Explorer

 Windows 8  27th November 2013 | Author: Brodjan

Windows 8 brings just two quick view of all the files in a particular folder, which are set by default in Windows Explorer. You'll learn where to find other views.

Add a folder shortcut to Favorites

Add a folder shortcut to Favorites

 Windows 7  3rd January 2012 | Author: mat

If you are like me and don't like too many shortcuts on desktop you can add a shorcut to favorites in Windows Explorer.

How to find out a IPv6 address of a domain

How to find out a IPv6 address of a domain

 Windows 7  26th July 2012 | Author: Peter H.

In this lesson, we will learn how to get an IPv6 address from a domain, and open it in a browser.

How to clear browsing data in Google Chrome

How to clear browsing data in Google Chrome

 Google Chrome  9th December 2013 | Author: Cob

It is good from time to time to clear your browsing data, that has accumulated during browsing the web. In this lesson I will show you how to clear browsing data in Google Chrome.

Easiest way to download a Facebook video

Easiest way to download a Facebook video

 Web sites  26th November 2013 | Author: mat

If you want to download video from Facebook and save it to your computer, this is the easiest way to do it. Let me show you the steps.

Calculate workdays between dates using Excel

Calculate workdays between dates using Excel

 Microsoft Excel  24th September 2011 | Author: mat

We're going to calculate how many workdays, considering the holidays, are there between two specific dates

How to submit a Programs tutorial to Dreevoo.com

How to submit a Programs tutorial to Dreevoo.com

 Web sites  2nd October 2012 | Author: mat

Submitting tutorials to Dreevoo.com is simple and can be done real quick. Here is a tutorial to show you how easy it really is to submit a software related tutorial, plus you get paid.

Turn a daylight photo of a house into a night shot (2/3)

Turn a daylight photo of a house into a night shot (2/3)

 Retouching  4th February 2014 | Author: mat

In the previous part of this Photoshop tutorial we made the photo look dark as night. We will now continue by adding some light to one of the windows and placing a nice looking moon into the sky.

How to use guides in Gimp

How to use guides in Gimp

 Basics  23rd July 2012 | Author: mat

Gimp has a nice feature that can come in handy on various occasions, let me show you the basic usage of guide lines or guides.

How to move an Android app to SD card

How to move an Android app to SD card

 Android  19th January 2012 | Author: mat

With Android version 2.2 you can install or move Android apps to SD memory card.

Photoshop Inverted Text in Concentric Circles

Photoshop Inverted Text in Concentric Circles

 Text  15th October 2013 | Author: mat

First I will show you the easiest way in Photoshop to create even, concentric circles and after we will ad an inverted text to make it look hypnotic in a groovy kind of a way.

Design a clean web sign-in form with Photoshop

Design a clean web sign-in form with Photoshop

 Drawing  12th February 2012 | Author: mat

As a popular request, I will show you how to design a nice and simple sign in or log in form for your websites using Adobe Photoshop.

Calculate your retirement date with Excel

Calculate your retirement date with Excel

 Microsoft Excel  23rd April 2013 | Author: mat

If you know how many years or months you got left until the retirement or any other event or project in your life, Excel can return you the exact date and the number of days left to reach it.

Airplane mode in Windows 8

Airplane mode in Windows 8

 Windows 8  6th December 2013 | Author: Pena

Window 8 has also an airplane mode, which allows immediate turn off all the connections you have on your computer.

Adding new User accounts

Adding new User accounts

 Windows 7  2nd August 2011 | Author: mat

In case someone else will be using your computer and you don't what them to have access to your files and documents, just add a new user.

Microsoft Word bookmarks

Microsoft Word bookmarks

 Microsoft Word  18th September 2011 | Author: mat

Let's learn how to add bookmarks with help of hyperlinks to the specific parts of your Word documents.

Displaying 721-736 of total 1105
Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Office Microsoft Office
Adobe Photoshop Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Dreamweaver Adobe Dreamweaver
Adobe Premiere Adobe Premiere
The Gimp The Gimp
Apple software Apple software
Mobile platforms Mobile platforms
Web services Web services
Other applications Other applications
Programming languages Programming languages
online learning made for people