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Displaying 529-544 of total 1105
Start learning PHP - part 2

Start learning PHP - part 2

 PHP & MySQL  12th February 2013 | Author: podtalje

Often in PHP you want the same block of code to run over and over again and instead of adding several almost equal lines, you can use loops to perform this task much easier.

How to change desktop picture on Mac OS X

How to change desktop picture on Mac OS X

 Mac OS X  18th February 2012 | Author: mat

Want to change the desktop picture on your Apple computer and you're not quite sure how? Let me break it down for you.

Zoom in and out of title text in Adobe Premiere

Zoom in and out of title text in Adobe Premiere

 Titles and text  19th November 2012 | Author: mat

A real useful tutorial for the beginners where you will learn how to do a simple zoom in effect on a random text and them zoom out of it again in Adobe Premiere CS5.

Boost up colors using black and white tones

Boost up colors using black and white tones

 Colors  16th February 2012 | Author: mat

A simple and useful tutorial where you will learn how to amplify colors and contrast with the help of black and white toning.

Get an email if someone else logs in to your Facebook

Get an email if someone else logs in to your Facebook

 Facebook  5th March 2014 | Author: mat

If you are afraid of being hacked or someone else using your Facebook account you can enable option that will send you an email or text message in case your account has been accessed from a device that you never used before.

Automatic transitions in PowerPoint

Automatic transitions in PowerPoint

 Microsoft PowerPoint  22nd June 2013 | Author: NikMan

In today's tutorial, you will learn how to set up transition times between slides in PowerPoint in only a few steps.

Download and install VMware Player for free

Download and install VMware Player for free

 Other programs  5th March 2012 | Author: mat

VMware player is a great free tool for creating virtual machines and desktops. For instance, you can  create a new virtual computer to install and test the new Windows 8 Consumer Preview.

Create and old camera effect using Raw filter in Photoshop

Create and old camera effect using Raw filter in Photoshop

 Photo effects  3rd April 2014 | Author: NikMan

You will learn to use a not so well know but mighty useful Photoshop Raw filter. The final result will be pretty retro, enjoy.

Pin a webpage as App Tab in Firefox

Pin a webpage as App Tab in Firefox

 Mozilla Firefox  15th March 2012 | Author: mat

Mozilla Firefox enables you to pin a webpage as an App tab, let me show you how easy it is.

Create picture inside of a picture using Photoshop

Create picture inside of a picture using Photoshop

 Basics  18th December 2012 | Author: banana

In this simple Photoshop tutorial we will create an image that will look like there is a photo inside of a photo and add some radial blur for the more dynamic effect.

Measure Distances With Here.com

Measure Distances With Here.com

 Web sites  5th September 2013 | Author: NikMan

If you would like to measure a distance from point A to point B, you can do it by using the great online service Here.com.

Set up an alarm clock on Nokia N9

Set up an alarm clock on Nokia N9

 Nokia N9  24th April 2012 | Author: NikMan

Nokia N9 has introduced an innovative way of setting up an alarm, that almost everyone is using today. And we must say it's really well made.

Line spacing in Google Drive

Line spacing in Google Drive

 Google Drive  1st November 2013 | Author: bole

One of the very useful function in Google Drive is the use of spacing between lines. In this lesson we will show how to use it in a document.

Hide System Preferences icons in OS X Mavericks

Hide System Preferences icons in OS X Mavericks

 Mac OS X  17th February 2014 | Author: mat

A great way to hide the icons in system preferences so the other people, like your kids for instance, can't mess with your Mac that easily.

How to Send E-mail in PHP

How to Send E-mail in PHP

 PHP & MySQL  28th October 2013 | Author: podtalje

We will learn how to create a simple HTML form for sending e-mail and how to process this data to send e-mail message in PHP.

Laser Eye Teddy Bear Adobe Premiere Tutorial

Laser Eye Teddy Bear Adobe Premiere Tutorial

 Animations and effects  5th January 2012 | Author: mat

Let's learn the very basics of animations in Adobe Premiere and make a teddy bear shoot laser beams out of its eyes.

Displaying 529-544 of total 1105
Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Office Microsoft Office
Adobe Photoshop Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Dreamweaver Adobe Dreamweaver
Adobe Premiere Adobe Premiere
The Gimp The Gimp
Apple software Apple software
Mobile platforms Mobile platforms
Web services Web services
Other applications Other applications
Programming languages Programming languages
online learning made for people