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Displaying 49-64 of total 1945
Calculate your retirement date with Excel

Calculate your retirement date with Excel

 Microsoft Office  | Author: mat

If you know how many years or months you got left until the retirement or any other event or project in your life, Excel can return you the exact date and the number of days left to reach it.

Homemade vegetable leek soup recipe

Homemade vegetable leek soup recipe

 Recipes  | Author: NikMan

A delicious leek soup, rich in taste and texture, healthy as it can be. Great for cold winter days, you can serve it as a starter or a light main dish. Try it, you won't be sorry.

Simple Two Color Pop Art Photo Effect

Simple Two Color Pop Art Photo Effect

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: NikMan

Pretty simple and interesting Photoshop tutorial where we will open random photograph and add a two color pop art effect.

How to create simple forum in PHP from scratch

How to create simple forum in PHP from scratch

 Programming languages  | Author: podtalje

In this lesson we will cover most of the basic PHP knowledge and will learn how to create a very simple forum by using PHP and MySql database.

My first Word document

My first Word document

 Microsoft Office  | Author: mat

This is for those who have never worked with  Microsoft Word before, the very basic lesson on how to start writing documents.

Sticky notes in Mac OS X

Sticky notes in Mac OS X

 Apple software  | Author: mat

If you're a sticky paper notes user you might want to save some trees and use the Stickies app that comes with the Mac OS X Lion.

Comet Panstarrs visible with your naked eye

Comet Panstarrs visible with your naked eye

 News  | Author: Spaceman

Once in a lifetime opportunity to catch the comet Panstarrs with your naked eye as it passes the Sun. It should shine in its fullest on March 10, read on if you don't want to miss it.

How to Update Your Mac to OS X Mavericks

How to Update Your Mac to OS X Mavericks

 Apple software  | Author: mat

Without too much fuss, Apple released a new version of its OS X operating systems for Mac computers. The great thing about it is, that it's completely free for the existing Mac OS X users.

Restart your Windows computer without a reboot

Restart your Windows computer without a reboot

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: mat

Some installations or settings changes require you to restart your computer. In most cases you don't need to actually reboot it, you only need to restart the explorer.exe process.

Ohio State University Marching Band

Ohio State University Marching Band

 Links  | Author: NikMan

Check out the awesome The Ohio State University Marching Band presentation during the football halftime between Ohio and Nebraska in June 2012.

Sony PlayStation 4 to sport the 4K resolution

Sony PlayStation 4 to sport the 4K resolution

 Links  | Author: mat

The forthcoming next-generation Sony PlayStation 4 will apparently support resolutions up to 4K.

What do you know about Galileo Galilei?

What do you know about Galileo Galilei?

 Knowledge Check  | Author: Brodjan

Galileo Galilei often known as Galileo, was a physicist, mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher who played a major role in the Scientific Revolution. Check your general knowledge.

How to turn off automatic updates in Mozilla Firefox

How to turn off automatic updates in Mozilla Firefox

 Web services  | Author: Cob

If automatic updates cause you problems with your add-ons in Firefox, then you can turn automatic updates off.

How to browse websites in privacy using Chrome

How to browse websites in privacy using Chrome

 Web services  | Author: mat

If you don't want websites tracking you, and you don't want the pages you view to be saved in browse or search history, you need to active the incognito mode and this is what you need to do.

How to setup profiles and vibration on Nokia N9

How to setup profiles and vibration on Nokia N9

 Mobile platforms  | Author: Joel_5000

I will show you a very simple way of switching between profiles and setting up vibration when phone is ringing.

Add a folded paper and vignette effect in Gimp

Add a folded paper and vignette effect in Gimp

 The Gimp  | Author: mat

In this Gimp tutorial I will show you how to add a folded paper texture to a photograph and how to add a simple and subtle vignette effect on top.

Displaying 49-64 of total 1945
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