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Displaying 1281-1296 of total 1945
Descent of Mars Curiosity Rover in HD and 25 fps

Descent of Mars Curiosity Rover in HD and 25 fps

 Links  | Author: mat

They redone the video clip of the Curiosity Rover, interpolated it from 4 fps to 25 fps and it looks amazing. Scroll to the bottom when there.

Remove Android apps with your browser

Remove Android apps with your browser

 Mobile platforms  | Author: podtalje

Did you know that you can remove Android apps on your mobile phone or tablet PC with your browser.

How to use emoticons in Instagram on iPhone

How to use emoticons in Instagram on iPhone

 Mobile platforms  | Author: mat

If you are a Instgram user, then you most probably notices the smilies or so called emoticons people are typing in comments. Let me show you how to use emoticons on your iPhone or iPad.

What do you know about the EU?

What do you know about the EU?

 Knowledge Check  | Author: McReady

Unity among the diverse nation can be achieved and the European Union can serve as a great example. Find out if you are familiar with some of the EU facts in this short general knowledge quiz.

How to play multiple songs in Windows 8

How to play multiple songs in Windows 8

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: Pena

This guide is intended for beginners in Windows 8. I will show you how to select multiple songs to play continuously in Windows 8.

How to remove USB stick the right way in Mac OS X

How to remove USB stick the right way in Mac OS X

 Apple software  | Author: mat

Let me show you the best way to avoid losing your data, when removing an usb stick or drive from your Apple Mac computer.

Black Friday, THE day for US retailers

Black Friday, THE day for US retailers

 Links  | Author: mat

Most of you are probably familiar with the term of Black Friday. Where did it come from and does it bring the best or worst out of people?

Windows Aero application window

Windows Aero application window

 Programming languages  | Author: mat

We're going to create a Windows Aero style application window which can then be used as a basis for other applications.

How to insert online video in Word 2013

How to insert online video in Word 2013

 Microsoft Office  | Author: Brodjan

The new version of the popular text editor also offers a very simple adding online videos in the document. I will show you how to add online video in Microsoft Word 2013 document.

Ending overfishing

Ending overfishing

 Links  | Author: KimmyK

Fish is daily protein source for 1.2 billion people, but fishers are more and more frequently returning home with empty nets. Watch this amazing animation and find out how you can help prevent overfishing.

Additional desktops in Mac OS X Mountain Lion

Additional desktops in Mac OS X Mountain Lion

 Apple software  | Author: mat

You can add multiple desktops to the Mac OS X Mountain Lion by using Mission Control, formerly known as Spaces. Can be really useful if you are a busy multi-tasker.

A real life robot avatar controlled by the human mind

A real life robot avatar controlled by the human mind

 News  | Author: mat

For the very first time, a robot was being controlled by a human lying in the fMRI machine. A real life avatar!

80,000 person and $36 billion Mars colony

80,000 person and $36 billion Mars colony

 Links  | Author: Spaceman

The SpaceX project founder Elon Musk wants to build a space colony with a size of a small city on the ever so appealing Red Planet.

An old school Brannan photo effect with Photoshop

An old school Brannan photo effect with Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

We are going to recreate the popular Brannan filter from a popular iPhone photo sharing camera app Instagram.

How to save a layer protected image you cannot save

How to save a layer protected image you cannot save

 Web services  | Author: mat

Some websites overlay their photos and images with another blank image. But there's an easy way to download those pictures if you are using Google Chrome browser.

Let's turn katana into a lightsaber using Gimp

Let's turn katana into a lightsaber using Gimp

 The Gimp  | Author: mat

If you want to learn how to create a Star Wars-like lightsaber effect, just keep on reading.

Displaying 1281-1296 of total 1945
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