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Displaying 1233-1248 of total 1945
Calculate  number of empty cells in Google spreadsheet

Calculate number of empty cells in Google spreadsheet

 Web services  | Author: bole

Google Spreadsheets supports cell formulas typically found in most desktop spreadsheet packages. In this lesson we will calculate the numbers of empty cells in a Spreadsheet.

How to create a pie chart in Google Docs spreadsheet

How to create a pie chart in Google Docs spreadsheet

 Web services  | Author: mat

I will show you how easy it is to add a pie or any other kind of chart in Google Documents spreadsheet.

Export Word document as PDF

Export Word document as PDF

 Microsoft Office  | Author: Realife

In this tutorial, I will show you how to export your Word document to printable and protected version, known as PDF.

Make your photos more vivid in Gimp

Make your photos more vivid in Gimp

 Editor's pick  | Author: mat

Let me show you a neat one minute trick on how to make your photographs more vivid and professional looking in Gimp.

How to check the engine oil level of your car

How to check the engine oil level of your car

 Automotive  | Author: mat

I will show you how the check the level of motor oil in a car and how to add it the oil need to be refilled.

Ordering food and drinks

Ordering food and drinks

 Languages  | Author: NikMan

To avoid misunderstandings in restaurants and bars, let's learn a few basic food and drink ordering phrases in Italian language.

How to use IF function in Google Drive Spreadsheet

How to use IF function in Google Drive Spreadsheet

 Web services  | Author: Brodjan

I'll show you the basic usage of IF function in Google Drive Spreadsheet. The IF function returns one value if a specified condition evaluates to TRUE, or another value if it evaluates to FALSE.

Amazingly realistic water flow animation

Amazingly realistic water flow animation

 Links  | Author: mat

Creating a realistic and natural looking water flow is still one of the biggest challenges in the world of animation. Check this amazing attempt by NVIDIA, it truly is mind-blowing.

Unbelievable anamorphic illusions

Unbelievable anamorphic illusions

 Links  | Author: Jenny

Check out this video, where you will see really interesting anamorphic illusions with links to download them and try them by yourself at home.

Marshmellows with chocolate

Marshmellows with chocolate

 Editor's pick  | Author: ThePyroman

A home made version of  marshmallows or pastry with cream and chocolate. Crazy tasty and easy to make, what more could we want?

How to use headers in Google Docs table

How to use headers in Google Docs table

 Web services  | Author: Cob

Headers are very useful option, if you have table that spans over multiple pages, to display information of columns on each page.

How to add page numbers

How to add page numbers

 Microsoft Office  | Author: mat

Let me show you how to add page numbers to you document in just a few clicks.

Using a mirror cloning technique in Photoshop

Using a mirror cloning technique in Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: NikMan

A so called mirror cloning technique is a great way to fix or alter a photo where a traditional cloning technique simply doesn't cut it.

High contrast Dragan effect portrait with Photoshop

High contrast Dragan effect portrait with Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

Let me show you the best way to enhance facial features on a portrait Photograph to make it look highly expressive and more interesting.

There is still hope for the Amazon Rainforest

There is still hope for the Amazon Rainforest

 News  | Author: mat

The latest data shows, that deforestation of the Amazon has sunk to record low levels, since they started observing its shrinking.

NASA used a simulator to train the Moon landing

NASA used a simulator to train the Moon landing

 News  | Author: Spaceman

The simulator called LOLA was built to study problems related to landing on the lunar surface as part of the Apollo program. You will also see the original video of how the simulation actually looked like.

Displaying 1233-1248 of total 1945
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