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Displaying 449-464 of total 1945
Fullscreen HTML5 video website background

Fullscreen HTML5 video website background

 Programming languages  | Author: mat

Check out how easy it is to apply a full-screen HTML5 looping video as website background using only CSS and no additional scripts.

Green smoothie the right and healthy way

Green smoothie the right and healthy way

 Editor's pick  | Author: willcode4food

Green smoothies can be a great addition to your daily intake of fruits and veggies. When prepared and consumed in a proper and reasonable manner, they can boost up your energy and work for your health.

What do You Know About  Christopher Columbus?

What do You Know About Christopher Columbus?

 Knowledge Check  | Author: bole

Christopher Columbus was an European explorer and trader who by coincidence discovered America in the 15th Century. Check your knowledge and build up your Dreevoo profile.

How good do you know 1960s?

How good do you know 1960s?

 Knowledge Check  | Author: Brodjan

The 1960s became synonymous with the new, radical, and subversive events and trends of the period. Find out going through this trivia quiz if you know a thing or two about this ground breaking decade.

Changing user interface on Android phone

Changing user interface on Android phone

 Mobile platforms  | Author: mat

Let's change the main user interface on you Android powered phone with a different one you might like better.

How good do you know global brands?

How good do you know global brands?

 Knowledge Check  | Author: Cob

Brand is the "name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller's product distinct from those of other sellers.

What do you know about dinosaurs?

What do you know about dinosaurs?

 Knowledge Check  | Author: bole

Dinosaurs were probbably the scariest animals that ever lived on Earth. They were ruling species of the sea, the land and the sky.

Export Word document as PDF

Export Word document as PDF

 Microsoft Office  | Author: Realife

In this tutorial, I will show you how to export your Word document to printable and protected version, known as PDF.

Send photos via email from iPad or iPhone

Send photos via email from iPad or iPhone

 Mobile platforms  | Author: NikMan

You can always send the photos you took with your iOS device via email.  Let me show you how you attach them to email client.

How to remove sound from a video in Premiere

How to remove sound from a video in Premiere

 Adobe Premiere  | Author: mat

Let me show you how you not only disable a sound in a video clip, but how you completely remove it using Adobe Premiere.

How well do you know French cuisine?

How well do you know French cuisine?

 Knowledge Check  | Author: Pena

French cuisine consists of cooking traditions and practices from France, known for many rich sauces. It is porbably the highest level cuisine in the world. Take this quiz and find out how familiar are you with French cuisine.

How to set custom background on Windows Phone 8

How to set custom background on Windows Phone 8

 Mobile platforms  | Author: NikMan

You can actually change the background of your Windows Phone 8 device, let me show you how easy it is to change the background of Nokia Lumia 920.

Color splash an Object using Photoshop

Color splash an Object using Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

A fun Photoshop tutorial where you will learn how to add different colors onto random object or a person and turn rest of the image black and white.

How to share your Dropbox content with others

How to share your Dropbox content with others

 Web services  | Author: mat

Dropbox is an amazing cloud based web service enabling you to store your stuff like pictures and documents and access them from any device with an Internet connection. Plus you can share the stored items with others.

Change the power button action

Change the power button action

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: mat

We're going the change the Windows 7 power buttons function from Shut down to Log off.

How to group rows and columns in Excel 2010

How to group rows and columns in Excel 2010

 Microsoft Office  | Author: mat

Let's learn how to  group rows and cells in Excel to make complex spreadsheets much easier to deal with.

Displaying 449-464 of total 1945
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