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  A smart 13-year old telling you about hacking education
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19th Dec 2013, 1:54 AM
Every once in a while you stumble upon extraordinary people that make you really re-think about the current affairs and the ways of the traditional education systems. And it is even more fascinating if they are as young as 13-year old Logan LaPlante who gave a speech at TEDx University of Nevada.

Logan talks about why it was a great idea that he walked out of the traditional education arena and started hacking his life with a goal to be a healthy and happy individual. Watch this, minutes spent well.

Also recommended:

Is the current schooling system really the only option?

changed: mat (19th Dec 2013, 10:05 AM)
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19th Dec 2013, 2:23 AM
Well when you are 13, life is easy and it sounds like he's been well influenced by his mom.
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19th Dec 2013, 2:41 AM
Well kid, life should be easy at 13 and why shouldn't it be easy when you grow up? With being easy, I don't mean doing nothing at all and just slacking your life away. I mean we shouldn't abandon childhood playfulness only for the reason society expects you to do so, I believe the most creative people in the world, have never lost the connection to their inner kid, or however you want to put it.

His way, or the way of his parents, are a great way to lead a sustainable, healthy and happy life but of course not anyone would agree with that philosophy as there is a great number of people out there who life goal is to grab as much of the material assets and goods as possible within this relatively short life, without any consideration for the rest of the co-humans and nature in general. I know it all sounds very stereotypical and at the moment it's mighty trendy to talk about sustainability and all that jazz, which quite frankly gives me hope for even better future.

changed: mat (19th Dec 2013, 10:41 AM)
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19th Dec 2013, 3:06 AM
Great speech for a 13-year old no doubt. Personally I don't believe in all this back to nature bs I believe in progress and progress is driven by capital. I'm sure the by product of technology will also deal with sustainability we are survivors, we got out of the food chain thanks to technology, we live longer thanks to technology, we are cleaning up the world thanks to technology and we will keep on surviving with the help of progressive thinking tech folks.
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19th Dec 2013, 5:33 AM
Welcome TechFTW great first post, although I cannot agree with it. I'm all for the tech and progress, I'm a huge technology fan but I still think there should be a healthy balance between tech and "nature", you cannot have one without another. The thing, we may indeed find some artificial way to keep this planet running without the precious living beings that are still essential for the planet.

But would you really want to live in this kind of world? I personally wouldn't but then again, people get used to all sorts of environments and living in an artificial high-tech bubble would indeed be something you are used to and wouldn't even know the real joy of laying on a lawn under a tree on a hot summer day.
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