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Displaying 433-448 of total 1945
How well do you know China?

How well do you know China?

 Knowledge Check  | Author: bole

China has the largest population in the world, although the surface was only slightly smaller than the United States. Go through the daily Knowledge Check and build up your Dreevoo score.

Traveling information

Traveling information

 Languages  | Author: NikMan

Ever went to a country where  people you tried to interact with did not speak any other language but their own, German in this case?

Mindblowing Projection-Mapping on Moving Objects

Mindblowing Projection-Mapping on Moving Objects

 Links  | Author: Sheeva

The video you are about to witness is a live camera recording of a live projection-mapping performance. Meaning, no special effects or CGI were used in this video, amazing.

How to resize tiles in Windows 8

How to resize tiles in Windows 8

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: Brodjan

Windows 8 tiles are pretty customizable, let me show you what tile sizes are available and how you change them

Adding a new photoshop brush

Adding a new photoshop brush

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

You can add extra brushes to the existing ones in Photoshop. Just follow my steps to find out how.

The simplest way to prepare an avocado

The simplest way to prepare an avocado

 Recipes  | Author: willcode4food

Avocados grow on trees and are simply delicious. I will show you the easiest way to get rid of the core and get the good stuff out of the shell

Stretch and crop the video in Adobe Premiere

Stretch and crop the video in Adobe Premiere

 Adobe Premiere  | Author: bole

In this lesson I will show you how to stretch the video to full screen. We will also look how to crop the video.

Change the user profile image in Mac OS X

Change the user profile image in Mac OS X

 Apple software  | Author: mat

You can always change your user profile picture on a Mac OS X Mountain Lion powered computer and this how you do it.

Text on Fire Photoshop Tutorial

Text on Fire Photoshop Tutorial

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: NikMan

A little bit longer but still easy to follow Photoshop tutorial where we will create a random text and set it on fire.

Make your photos more vivid in Gimp

Make your photos more vivid in Gimp

 Editor's pick  | Author: mat

Let me show you a neat one minute trick on how to make your photographs more vivid and professional looking in Gimp.

How to pick a color from a website using Chrome

How to pick a color from a website using Chrome

 Web services  | Author: mat

Let me introduce you to a very useful Google Chrome browser extension that enables you to get a color code of any color on any given  website.

Car Burnout Photoshop tutorial

Car Burnout Photoshop tutorial

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

Let me show you how to make the wheels spin and smoke on a car that isn't moving.

Expose an object in color using Photoshop

Expose an object in color using Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: NikMan

A simple Photoshop tutorial, where you may learn how to expose an object by leaving it in color while turning the rest of the photo black and white or sepia.

Getting to know each other

Getting to know each other

 Languages  | Author: NikMan

You will introduce yourself, ask for ones name and where they come from and the ever so popular I love you, all this in German.

The easiest and cleanest way to drain oil from a fish can

The easiest and cleanest way to drain oil from a fish can

 Recipes  | Author: mat

Let me show you a great way of draining oil or other liquid from a fish can or basically wide array of other types of canes.

Capital cities in Europe

Capital cities in Europe

 Knowledge Check  | Author: podtalje

In Europe you will find some very famous and some less famous capital cities.

Displaying 433-448 of total 1945
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