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Displaying 321-336 of total 1945
Create a simple Dreamweaver form

Create a simple Dreamweaver form

 Programs  | Author: bole

In this lesson we will create a simple form where visitors can enter the name, e-mail address and send it to a specific address.

Video preview of the new Windows Blue

Video preview of the new Windows Blue

 Links  | Author: mat

The forthcoming version of Windows called Windows Blue has leaked on the Internet, take a look at some of the new features.

A new high for the Bitcoin prices

A new high for the Bitcoin prices

 News  | Author: mat

Over the past week Bitcoin prices have exploded sky-high and are charging towards the unbelievable value of $600.

Revision history in Google Docs

Revision history in Google Docs

 Web services  | Author: Cob

Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides have a revision history pane that allows you to view at a glance all changes made to a document by each collaborator.

Create a rounded CSS button with transition effect

Create a rounded CSS button with transition effect

 Programming languages  | Author: mat

CSS is a mighty powerful language for shaping your web objects. You will learn to create a two versions of a web button, one with and other without a transition.

History of modern Olympic games

History of modern Olympic games

 Knowledge Check  | Author: Cob

The modern Olympic Games are the leading international sporting event featuring summer and winter sports competitions in which thousands of athletes participate in a variety of competitions.

How to set up Photoshop keyboard shortcuts

How to set up Photoshop keyboard shortcuts

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

Keyboard shortcuts can really speed up your Photoshop work, let me show you how to set them up.

Top 10 Kickstarter fundings

Top 10 Kickstarter fundings

 Links  | Author: mat

Putting a project on Kickstarter to raise the crowd-funding turned out to be highly beneficial for a lot of people and business, especially for the top 10 ones that raised the most.

Use RawTherapee to open and edit RAW images

Use RawTherapee to open and edit RAW images

 Other applications  | Author: mat

RawTherapee  is a free open source application for opening and editing RAW image files. It works on all major operating systems such as Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.

Calendar and seasons

Calendar and seasons

 Languages  | Author: NikMan

Four seasons and twelve months in a year. Want to learn how to pronounce them in Spanish language?

21st birthday of World Wide Web

21st birthday of World Wide Web

 News  | Author: podtalje

It was 21 years ago when scientist at CERN made the first page on the World Wide Web publicly available.

Pictures taken by China's first spacecraft on the Moon

Pictures taken by China's first spacecraft on the Moon

 News  | Author: Spaceman

After almost 40 years, there is a new robot on the Moon and it was successfully launched by China. Check out a few pictures Chinese moon rover already captured up there.

Naked mole rats feel no pain

Naked mole rats feel no pain

 News  | Author: mat

Naked mole rats are tough little buggers, according to latest research, they don't feel any pain from acid.

Deactivate the taskbar button combining

Deactivate the taskbar button combining

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: mat

Windows 7 have a nifty feature which combines the windows of opened applications under the same taskbar button. If you don't like it you can always turn it off.

How to find out where an image came from

How to find out where an image came from

 Web services  | Author: mat

TinEye is a great reverse image search online service, that can tell you where an image came from, find different sizes of the image and you can find out if someone is using your image without your permission.

A Cappella Science - Bohemian Gravity

A Cappella Science - Bohemian Gravity

 Links  | Author: TheDude

This awesome version of the legendary Queen song Bohemian Rhapsody is probably the best thing on the Internet right now.

Displaying 321-336 of total 1945
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