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Displaying 33-48 of total 49
Put a screenshot on another screen using Photoshop

Put a screenshot on another screen using Photoshop

 Basics  1st August 2012 | Author: NikMan

A simple tutorial where we take a screen shot of our desktop and put on a screen on another picture.

How to use History in Photoshop

How to use History in Photoshop

 Basics  24th February 2013 | Author: NikMan

If you are not familiar with the History function in Adobe Photoshop yet, I suggest you to start using it as soon as possible.

Straighten a picture using Photoshop

Straighten a picture using Photoshop

 Basics  15th September 2011 | Author: mat

Let's learn how to make the horizons and crooked pictures in general straight and there for in most cases more appealing.

Open images as Photoshop layers

Open images as Photoshop layers

 Basics  19th September 2011 | Author: mat

If you want to open more images at once and you want them in the same Photoshop document as layers, then keep reading.

How to save selection in Photoshop

How to save selection in Photoshop

 Basics  22nd February 2014 | Author: mat

The ability to save any of your selections and then use them at any given time is another useful Adobe Photoshop option. Let me show you how to use it.

Website background overlay pattern using Photoshop

Website background overlay pattern using Photoshop

 Basics  10th February 2014 | Author: mat

Image overlay pattern comes in very handy when a website has a full screen image or a video as a background. Applying a pattern can make things more readable and easier on eyes. Let's Photoshop.

How to use shapes in Photoshop CC

How to use shapes in Photoshop CC

 Basics  2nd July 2013 | Author: mat

One of the important new features of Adobe Photoshop CC is new additions to the shapes tool. You can now create all sorts of different shapes by rounding each corner of a shape separately.

How to remove the sky behind the trees

How to remove the sky behind the trees

 Basics  19th October 2012 | Author: NikMan

You will learn a very simple way to remove the background sky behind the trees and their leads in Photoshop.

How Layers Work in Adobe photoshop

How Layers Work in Adobe photoshop

 Basics  11th December 2013 | Author: NikMan

Layers are probably one of the main advances in Adobe Photoshop and I will try to explain you why and how do they work.

Merge two Photographs into one Using Mask Tool

Merge two Photographs into one Using Mask Tool

 Basics  4th November 2013 | Author: NikMan

Basic Photoshop tutorial where you will first open one photograph and then add the second one over it and blend them together.

Change default resample image option in Photoshop

Change default resample image option in Photoshop

 Basics  3rd July 2012 | Author: mat

If you are mostly using only one resample image option when resizing images, then you can change the default option to the option you are using the most.

Content aware resizing

Content aware resizing

 Basics  18th October 2011 | Author: mat

Adobe Photoshop CS5 comes with a truly amazing feature called content awareness, let's see how the scaling works.

Content aware moving of objects in Photoshop CS6

Content aware moving of objects in Photoshop CS6

 Basics  28th April 2012 | Author: NikMan

The new Adobe Photoshop CS6 comes with quite a few new features one of more impressive ones is Content aware move tool.

Puppet Warp in Photoshop

Puppet Warp in Photoshop

 Basics  26th October 2011 | Author: mat

An awesome feature provided by Adobe Photoshop CS5, see it for yourself and become a puppet master.

Image resize in Photoshop

Image resize in Photoshop

 Basics  9th August 2011 | Author: mat

Sometimes the images from you digital camera are just too big for to be put on the web or sent via e-mail.

How to reset Photoshop brushes to default

How to reset Photoshop brushes to default

 Basics  8th March 2014 | Author: mat

If you want to learn how to bring your Photoshop brushes into their original state, this is how you do it.

Displaying 33-48 of total 49
Basics Basics
Colors Colors
Drawing Drawing
Effects Effects
Photo effects Photo effects
Retouching Retouching
Text Text
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