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How to add an event in Calendar in Windows 8

How to add an event in Calendar in Windows 8

 Programs  22nd March 2014 | Author: Cob

Windows 8 has very functional calendar to remind you about all events you don't want to miss. In this lesson I will show you an example how to add birthday reminder.

Password protect your Excel sheets

Password protect your Excel sheets

 Programs  13th November 2012 | Author: mat

If you don't want other people changing the content of your Excel sheet, you can protect them with a password.

Turn your Google Analytics stats into an Infographic

Turn your Google Analytics stats into an Infographic

 Programs  5th June 2013 | Author: mat

Awesome guys at Visual.ly just released a a free online tool that can visualize Google Analytics stats into a great looking report in a form of infographic in a matter of basically only a click.

Make a standing still car go fast with Gimp

Make a standing still car go fast with Gimp

 Programs  20th March 2014 | Author: mat

In this simple tutorial suitable for the Gimp beginners as well, we are going to manipulate a photograph of standing still car to make it look like it's passing by real fast.

How to make Windows 7 shutdown or restart faster

How to make Windows 7 shutdown or restart faster

 Programs  7th January 2013 | Author: TheDude

If you are tired of waiting for your Windows 7 computer to shutdown or restart, you can create a new shortcut that will speed up the process considerably.

Change screenshot saving location on Mac OS X

Change screenshot saving location on Mac OS X

 Programs  25th March 2013 | Author: mat

By default, when you do a screen shot in Mac OS X, screen shot images get saved on a desktop. Let me show you how to change the location.

Screenshot on Nokia Lumia 920 Windows Phone 8

Screenshot on Nokia Lumia 920 Windows Phone 8

 Programs  27th June 2013 | Author: mat

You can easily capture any screen you are currently in on your Nokia Lumia 920, Windows Phone 8 powered smartphone.

How to change the hair color in Gimp

How to change the hair color in Gimp

 Programs  6th November 2013 | Author: mat

There are different ways to change the color of the hair in GIMP, let me show you the quick and effective one.

How to put video in text using Adobe Premiere

How to put video in text using Adobe Premiere

 Programs  7th March 2014 | Author: mat

You probably seen video where clips are playing in a title text and made you wondered how the heck to they do that. Well it's pretty easy to create the video in text effect with Adobe Premiere.

Laser Eye Teddy Bear Adobe Premiere Tutorial

Laser Eye Teddy Bear Adobe Premiere Tutorial

 Programs  14th October 2013 | Author: mat

Let's learn the very basics of animations in Adobe Premiere and make a teddy bear shoot laser beams out of its eyes.

Girl with a dragon Tattoo Gimp tutorial

Girl with a dragon Tattoo Gimp tutorial

 Programs  16th September 2013 | Author: mat

In this simple Gimp tutorial I will show you how to put a dragon tattoo on a lovely girl's back.

Create a rounded CSS button with transition effect

Create a rounded CSS button with transition effect

 Programs  17th December 2013 | Author: mat

CSS is a mighty powerful language for shaping your web objects. You will learn to create a two versions of a web button, one with and other without a transition.

Batcat, how to Photoshop a Batman mask on a cat

Batcat, how to Photoshop a Batman mask on a cat

 Programs  20th March 2013 | Author: mat

In this fun tutorial we will learn how to manipulate the image of a cat in a way the cat is going to wear a Batman mask and like it.

How to use guides in Gimp

How to use guides in Gimp

 Programs  27th January 2014 | Author: mat

Gimp has a nice feature that can come in handy on various occasions, let me show you the basic usage of guide lines or guides.

Write a personalized letter in Word using Excel data

Write a personalized letter in Word using Excel data

 Programs  3rd February 2014 | Author: mat

Mail merge is one of the most useful features of Microsoft Word when wanting to send personalized letters, documents or e-mails to people you have stored in an Excel sheet. Let me show you how to use it.

Change screen shot saving location on Mac OS X

Change screen shot saving location on Mac OS X

 Programs  18th February 2013 | Author: mat

By default, when you do a screen shot in Mac OS X, screen shot images get saved on a desktop. Let me show you how to change the location.

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