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How to trace images in Gimp for beginners

How to trace images in Gimp for beginners

 Programs  12th February 2014 | Author: mat

In this beginners tracing tutorial, I will show you how to do draw a vector looking picture, over an original image using a Paths Tool.

Laser Eye Teddy Bear Adobe Premiere Tutorial

Laser Eye Teddy Bear Adobe Premiere Tutorial

 Programs  14th October 2013 | Author: mat

Let's learn the very basics of animations in Adobe Premiere and make a teddy bear shoot laser beams out of its eyes.

How to set  alerts in Mac OS X Mountain Lion

How to set alerts in Mac OS X Mountain Lion

 Programs  3rd June 2013 | Author: mat

Mountain Lion enables you to set notification alerts to remind you of upcoming birthdays, tasks, meetings and other important events you might have in your calendar.

A simple dropdown menu with Dreamweaver

A simple dropdown menu with Dreamweaver

 Programs  22nd April 2013 | Author: mat

In this tutorial we create a simple drop-down menu, using Adobe Dreamweaver's built-in features.

Add a folded paper and vignette effect in Gimp

Add a folded paper and vignette effect in Gimp

 Programs  10th March 2014 | Author: mat

In this Gimp tutorial I will show you how to add a folded paper texture to a photograph and how to add a simple and subtle vignette effect on top.

PowerPoint animations for beginners

PowerPoint animations for beginners

 Programs  27th November 2012 | Author: mat

Animations are a cool way to prep up your presentations slideshows, let's see how to use them.

How to create an archive in Outlook 2012

How to create an archive in Outlook 2012

 Programs  11th March 2013 | Author: mat

With archive you can release some space for your emails and create a backup of your important emails. Let me show you how.

How to add film burn effect in Adobe Premiere

How to add film burn effect in Adobe Premiere

 Programs  22nd October 2012 | Author: mat

Let me show you how to create that old school film burn or light leak transition effect in your video editing projects.

How to create a pie chart in Google Docs spreadsheet

How to create a pie chart in Google Docs spreadsheet

 Programs  28th January 2013 | Author: mat

I will show you how easy it is to add a pie or any other kind of chart in Google Documents spreadsheet.

The fastest way to resize pictures in Windows 7

The fastest way to resize pictures in Windows 7

 Programs  11th March 2014 | Author: mat

Image Resizer for Windows is a great little tool that lets you resize your photos and other images directly from Windows Explorer.

What do you know about the EU?

What do you know about the EU?

 Programs  10th July 2013 | Author: McReady

Unity among the diverse nation can be achieved and the European Union can serve as a great example. Find out if you are familiar with some of the EU facts in this short general knowledge quiz.

Create Instagram effects with Photoshop actions

Create Instagram effects with Photoshop actions

 Programs  12th September 2012 | Author: mat

If you own an iPhone, there's a great chance you're using the Instagram app that turns your photos into hip shots.

How to share your desktop in Skype

How to share your desktop in Skype

 Programs  23rd February 2014 | Author: mat

Let me introduce you to the nice Skype feature which enables you to share your desktop with the people you are chatting with or talking to.

How to add DOF effect to portraits using Photoshop

How to add DOF effect to portraits using Photoshop

 Programs  6th December 2013 | Author: mat

DOF or Depth Of Field is a commonly used technique in photography where you can precisely focus only part of the face or object you are taking shot of. Let's recreate this using Photoshop.

How to get rid of Facebook app requests from friends

How to get rid of Facebook app requests from friends

 Programs  25th February 2013 | Author: mat

If you are tired and annoyed by the app requests and notifications your friends keep sending on Facebook, this is how you get rid of them without having to unfriend your friends.

Design a facebook side tab button using Photoshop

Design a facebook side tab button using Photoshop

 Programs  24th September 2012 | Author: mat

In this step-by-step tutorial, we will design a Facebook rollover side tab button you can use on your website.

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