Sometimes we don't want others to know about our newest relationship gains or losses. This is the way your friends and other Facebook users won't even notice it when you change it.
If you manage a Facebook Page there is a very useful feature you might have missed. You can schedule your posts in advance or you can even date them back down on the Page timeline.
If you are sick of all the stuff a certain Facebook Page is feeding you or you just don't like the brand anymore, this is how you Unlike Facebook Pages.
A very useful Facebook debugger tool where you can check how your webpage looks like on Facebook when like button is pressed, without actually pressing the like button.
If you are a "private" person and don't want your profile picture or name to appear on your friend's feed next to ads you liked, then follow this steps.
You made an Facebook app for a Facebook page, but it doesn't seem to appear among the apps on that page. No biggie, let me show you how to connect a Facebook app with a Facebook fan page.
Facebook caches already shared pages for better performance, but this causes issues because Facebook can still show the older version of the page. Today we will learn how to refresh cache.
If you are tired and annoyed by the app requests and notifications your friends keep sending on Facebook, this is how you get rid of them without having to unfriend your friends.
In this tutorial, I will show some simple first steps on very popular community Facebook. We will signup , upload profile picture and edit some personal information.
You may have noticed that Facebook ads a the location revealing your wheresbouts at the times you publish post. If you don't want other to know that, this is what you need to do.
As you may now, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg announced the whole new and revamped news feed to keep the users engaged. Let me show you how you can speed up the process of getting one.