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Titles and text

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How to add logo to a video using Adobe Premiere

How to add logo to a video using Adobe Premiere

 Titles and text  18th November 2011 | Author: mat

It's really a piece of cake to add a logo or any picture to your video clips and projects using Adobe Premiere, let me show how easy.

How to put video in text using Adobe Premiere

How to put video in text using Adobe Premiere

 Titles and text  6th July 2013 | Author: mat

You probably seen video where clips are playing in a title text and made you wondered how the heck to they do that. Well it's pretty easy to create the video in text effect with Adobe Premiere.

How to create text with reflection in Premiere

How to create text with reflection in Premiere

 Titles and text  26th November 2013 | Author: Pena

One of many options in Adobe Premiere is also how to create a text title with reflection. In this lesson we will take a look at one simple example.

Zoom in and out of title text in Adobe Premiere

Zoom in and out of title text in Adobe Premiere

 Titles and text  19th November 2012 | Author: mat

A real useful tutorial for the beginners where you will learn how to do a simple zoom in effect on a random text and them zoom out of it again in Adobe Premiere CS5.

How to create moving inscriptions in Premiere

How to create moving inscriptions in Premiere

 Titles and text  13th November 2013 | Author: Brodjan

At the end of each long video editing is also good to add inscriptions, which represents people who has participated at the movie creation.

How to limit text area using paths in Photoshop

How to limit text area using paths in Photoshop

 Titles and text  25th September 2013 | Author: mat

A nice little and commonly useful Photoshop trick that helps you limit the text area in a custom way using selections and paths, check it out.

How to backlight an object in Premiere

How to backlight an object in Premiere

 Titles and text  24th November 2013 | Author: Brodjan

You have probably seen some video where they show an old photo and then illuminate a particular person in the picture. Let mi show you how to do that.

Displaying 1-7 of total 7
Animations and effects Animations and effects
Audio processing Audio processing
Color settings Color settings
Titles and text Titles and text
Video editing  basics Video editing basics
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