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Animations and effects

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How to animate an object in Premiere

How to animate an object in Premiere

 Animations and effects  21st November 2013 | Author: Brodjan

In this lesson we will learn the first steps of creating an object. I will also show you how to make a simple animation.

How to blur the video clip in Premiere

How to blur the video clip in Premiere

 Animations and effects  12th November 2013 | Author: Pena

Sometimes you don't want others to see what stupid things you are doing on the video clip. In this lesson you will learn how to blur the particulary part of the video.

Add countdown timer to video in Adobe Premiere CC

Add countdown timer to video in Adobe Premiere CC

 Animations and effects  1st July 2013 | Author: mat

Let me demonstrate you how easy it is to add an old school looking countdown timer or a so called universal counting leader to you video projects in Adobe Premiere CC.

Flash effect with Adobe Premiere

Flash effect with Adobe Premiere

 Animations and effects  9th February 2012 | Author: mat

You will learn how to create a very popular flash transition effect and how to trigger effects at specific time.

How to add film burn effect in Adobe Premiere

How to add film burn effect in Adobe Premiere

 Animations and effects  29th January 2012 | Author: mat

Let me show you how to create that old school film burn transition effect in your video editing projects.

Laser Eye Teddy Bear Adobe Premiere Tutorial

Laser Eye Teddy Bear Adobe Premiere Tutorial

 Animations and effects  5th January 2012 | Author: mat

Let's learn the very basics of animations in Adobe Premiere and make a teddy bear shoot laser beams out of its eyes.

How to use Toggle Track Output in Premiere

How to use Toggle Track Output in Premiere

 Animations and effects  4th December 2013 | Author: Brodjan

In this lesson I will show you how to create an interesting effect in Premiere. Probably you've already seen it on television and so why not try to make it yourself?

Displaying 1-7 of total 7
Animations and effects Animations and effects
Audio processing Audio processing
Color settings Color settings
Titles and text Titles and text
Video editing  basics Video editing basics
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