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Using cyborgs for space exploration?

Using cyborgs for space exploration?

 Space  28th November 2011 | Author: mat

Humans wouldn't last long in space without significant technological assistance, does that mean we need to alter human biology to prepare it for future space travels?

Photoshopped or not tool

Photoshopped or not tool

 Technology  29th November 2011 | Author: mat

As you have probably noticed, celebrity photos these days have little to nothing to do with reality. How to measure retouche level of altered Photos?

First all smartphone shot film in theaters

First all smartphone shot film in theaters

 Technology  30th November 2011 | Author: mat

Olive could be the first ever feature length film, shot entirely with a smartphone Nokia N8 to be shown in theaters.

Japanese robot can climbe ladders

Japanese robot can climbe ladders

 Technology  1st December 2011 | Author: mat

Robots are getting smarter and more agile, ladder climbing robot from Osaka in Japan is a prime example of these humaniods.

Steve Wozniak in Silicon Valley of India

Steve Wozniak in Silicon Valley of India

 Technology  1st December 2011 | Author: mat

Apple co-founder will talk about innovation and technology with hundreds of CEOs in Bangalore India.

Senseye control your smartphone with your eyes

Senseye control your smartphone with your eyes

 Technology  2nd December 2011 | Author: mat

Siri lets you control your iPhone 4S with your voice, how does controlling your phone with your eyes sound?

Pictures of 7 vulcanos erupting as we speak

Pictures of 7 vulcanos erupting as we speak

 Interesting  4th December 2011 | Author: mat

Active and erupting vulcanos are not as uncommon as you might think. Let's see 7 of them breaking loose right now

World's first elastic electrical cable

World's first elastic electrical cable

 Technology  5th December 2011 | Author: mat

Japanese chemical company says their newly developed elastic electrical cable called Roboden can stretch by a factor 1.5.

NASA's Voyager reaches the edge of our solar system

NASA's Voyager reaches the edge of our solar system

 Space  6th December 2011 | Author: mat

After more then 30 years of traveling, Voyager 1 spacecraft entered the "no men's land" between our solar system and the rest of the space.

10 billion downloads from Android Market

10 billion downloads from Android Market

 Technology  7th December 2011 | Author: mat

According to Google, Android app downloads surpassed the 10 billion mark past weekend and to mark the celebration you can download premium apps for 10 cents.

HP TouchPad from $99 in HP's Ebay store

HP TouchPad from $99 in HP's Ebay store

 Technology  7th December 2011 | Author: mat

HP is going to revive the TouchPad sale on their Ebay Store on December 11th at 6:00PM Central time.

Best evidence yet of water on Mars

Best evidence yet of water on Mars

 Space  8th December 2011 | Author: mat

NASA Rover has found some of the most convicing evidence till date that water once flowed on the surface of Mars.

HP webOS going open source

HP webOS going open source

 Technology  9th December 2011 | Author: mat

Decision has been made, HP is going to contribute it's unlucky operating system webOS to the open source community.

Rare leopards photographed in Afghanistan and Siberia

Rare leopards photographed in Afghanistan and Siberia

 Science and nature  12th December 2011 | Author: mat

It was a good week for wildlife and nature, Persian leopard was held for extinct and Siberian snow leopard has been photographed for the very first time.

Did they find God (particle) in CERN?

Did they find God (particle) in CERN?

 Science and nature  13th December 2011 | Author: mat

Today a seminar was held in CERN about the Higgs search status. There were rumors they finally found the particle that would complete the standard model of partical physics.

Bill Gates is not returning to Microsoft

Bill Gates is not returning to Microsoft

 Interesting  15th December 2011 | Author: mat

While being on holiday in Sydney Australia, Bill Gates dissmised the rumors  about his comeback to Microsoft.

Displaying 1-16 of total 167
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Space Space
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Science and nature Science and nature
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