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Rare leopards photographed in Afghanistan and Siberia

Rare leopards photographed in Afghanistan and Siberia

 Science and nature  12th December 2011 | Author: mat

It was a good week for wildlife and nature, Persian leopard was held for extinct and Siberian snow leopard has been photographed for the very first time.

Private manned voyage to Mars in 2018

Private manned voyage to Mars in 2018

 Space  21st February 2013 | Author: Spaceman

Space tourist Dennis Tito is planning to lead a 501 days lasting manned mission to Mars in January 2018.

The life on Earth may have originated from Mars

The life on Earth may have originated from Mars

 Space  29th August 2013 | Author: Spaceman

Breaking news! New studies suggest that life on Earth may have actually started on Mars, can you image how?

New MacBook Pro, iOS 6 and more on WWDC 2012

New MacBook Pro, iOS 6 and more on WWDC 2012

 Technology  12th June 2012 | Author: mat

WWDC 2012, Apple's keynote brought us the whole new MacBook Pro, iOS6, new navigation maps and some other goodies.

Scientists have discovered a new human body part

Scientists have discovered a new human body part

 Science and nature  6th November 2013 | Author: mat

This sounds pretty amazing if not impossible, but the scientists revealed they found a new, previously unknown body part in the human knee.

Iran successfully sent monkey into space

Iran successfully sent monkey into space

 Space  28th January 2013 | Author: Spaceman

Iran's state television reported that Iran has successfully launched a monkey into space in a capsule called "pisgham".

Senseye control your smartphone with your eyes

Senseye control your smartphone with your eyes

 Technology  2nd December 2011 | Author: mat

Siri lets you control your iPhone 4S with your voice, how does controlling your phone with your eyes sound?

Oldest prehistoric town in Europe discovered

Oldest prehistoric town in Europe discovered

 Science and nature  1st November 2012 | Author: mat

In Bulgaria archaeologists discovered the oldest prehistoric town in Europe and it is suppose to be nearly 7,000 years old.

Huge Aerocraft Zeppelin to Revolutionize the Aviation

Huge Aerocraft Zeppelin to Revolutionize the Aviation

 Technology  10th September 2013 | Author: Spaceman

Zeppelins are making a comeback and rightfully so. They are capable to carry vast amounts of cargo, they don't require costly airports and their fuel consumption is only one third of a conventional cargo plane.

Best evidence yet of water on Mars

Best evidence yet of water on Mars

 Space  8th December 2011 | Author: mat

NASA Rover has found some of the most convicing evidence till date that water once flowed on the surface of Mars.

Adobe to abandon Creative Suit for Creative Cloud

Adobe to abandon Creative Suit for Creative Cloud

 Technology  7th May 2013 | Author: mat

After 10 years, Adobe CS6 is the very last in the Creative Suit series as Adobe will focus entirely on the web and subscription based Creative Cloud service. Learn all about it.

100 years ago Titanic sank into a deep ice cold ocean

100 years ago Titanic sank into a deep ice cold ocean

 Interesting  15th April 2012 | Author: KimmyK

April 15, 1912 was fatal for 1.503 human lives, as the biggest passenger ship that was ever made, hit the iceberg and sank on it's first voyage.

How Earth has changed in 30 years timelapse

How Earth has changed in 30 years timelapse

 Environment and health  17th May 2013 | Author: mat

Another mind-blowing timelapse project powered by Google in collaboration with Time magazine. Check out the amazing satellite images, taken from space from 1984 to 2012.

Satellite for less than $1,000

Satellite for less than $1,000

 Science and nature  24th April 2013 | Author: podtalje

NASA has launched three smartphones into orbit as part of a low-budget, experimental satellite program to prove that a satellite can be built for less than $1,000 using off the shelf equipment.

Why is discovery of gravitational waves a scientifical breakthrough

Why is discovery of gravitational waves a scientifical breakthrough

 Space  18th March 2014 | Author: Spaceman

"It's not everyday you wake up and learn something completely new about the early universe." This really is an incredible discovery, a whole new era in physics and cosmology.

World's smallest chameleons discovered in Madagascar

World's smallest chameleons discovered in Madagascar

 Science and nature  15th February 2012 | Author: TheDude

Happy days for science and nature, researchers have found four new species of smallest chameleons ever.

Displaying 1-16 of total 167
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