An awesome tutorial suitable for Photoshop beginners and intermediates where we create a cool looking gas planet from scratch, by applying a couple of rendering functions and a few tricks.
Rainbows right? Who does not like rainbows? In this Photoshop tutorial you can learn how to create a rainbow from scratch and add it to any image of your choice.
A fun graphic design tutorial, a bit longer but still quite easy to follow. We will end up with a stylish looking, ink dripping smiley face. This is part one of the tutorial.
If you like the Lords of the Rings movie trilogy, then you might also like this Photoshop tutorial, where we will make a dramatically red sky on a random photograph.
A great and simple way to create the letterpress like effect using Photoshop. Basically all you need to do is to apply different layer styles to text or object, let me show you how.
A simple Photoshop tutorial, where you may learn how to expose an object by leaving it in color while turning the rest of the photo black and white or sepia.