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Adobe Photoshop

Displaying 81-96 of total 302
Create a simple gas planet from scratch in Photoshop

Create a simple gas planet from scratch in Photoshop

 Drawing  4th March 2013 | Author: mat

An awesome tutorial suitable for Photoshop beginners and intermediates where we create a cool looking gas planet from scratch,  by applying a couple of rendering functions and a few tricks.

Add a rainbow to a photo using Photoshop

Add a rainbow to a photo using Photoshop

 Retouching  23rd August 2013 | Author: mat

Rainbows right? Who does not like rainbows? In this Photoshop tutorial you can learn how to create a rainbow from scratch and add it to any image of your choice.

Photoshop New Year's Greetings Card with a Snowman

Photoshop New Year's Greetings Card with a Snowman

 Drawing  18th December 2013 | Author: NikMan

We will create a beautiful new year greetings card from a scratch and after that add will also add a picture of a snowman and some text.

Miniature tilt-shift effect in Photoshop

Miniature tilt-shift effect in Photoshop

 Photo effects  8th August 2011 | Author: mat

Let me show you how to achieve that miniature effect on images by using Photoshop.

Photoshop personalized New Year greeting card part 2

Photoshop personalized New Year greeting card part 2

 Text  30th December 2012 | Author: mat

Create a New Year's card made out of pictures and photos that made your year. This is the part two of the Photoshop tutorial.

Design a stylish dripping smiley in Photoshop part 1

Design a stylish dripping smiley in Photoshop part 1

 Drawing  10th January 2013 | Author: mat

A fun graphic design tutorial, a bit longer but still quite easy to follow. We will end up with a stylish looking, ink dripping smiley face. This is part one of the tutorial.

Sky like in Mordor Photoshop Tutorial

Sky like in Mordor Photoshop Tutorial

 Colors  21st November 2013 | Author: NikMan

If you like the Lords of the Rings movie trilogy, then you might also like this Photoshop tutorial, where we will make a dramatically red sky on a random photograph.

How to do a light leak effect in Photoshop

How to do a light leak effect in Photoshop

 Retouching  25th August 2012 | Author: mat

Let me show you how to achieve that hipster vintage camera light leak effect on a photo using Adobe Photoshop CS5.

Difference between Opacity and Fill

Difference between Opacity and Fill

 Basics  17th October 2011 | Author: mat

If you're Photoshop beginner there's a big chance you at some point you were wondering about the difference between Fill and Opacity.

Quick and Easy Zombie Photoshop Tutorial

Quick and Easy Zombie Photoshop Tutorial

 Retouching  22nd December 2013 | Author: NikMan

Basic Photoshop tutorial for everyone where we will open a random photograph of a person and then with only two tools make a zombie transformation.

Create a letterpress emboss text effect in Photoshop

Create a letterpress emboss text effect in Photoshop

 Text  28th January 2013 | Author: mat

A great and simple way to create the letterpress like effect using Photoshop. Basically all you need to do is to apply different layer styles to text or object, let me show you how.

Turn a part of photo into a drawing with Photoshop

Turn a part of photo into a drawing with Photoshop

 Drawing  10th October 2012 | Author: NikMan

In this cool and simple tutorial we will make only a part of the photo look like a cartoon or a drawing using Photoshop.

Crazy text effect

Crazy text effect

 Text  19th October 2011 | Author: mat

Let's enter a text and apply the same effect a couple of times to get this awesome crazy looking text.

Apply wooden frame using Photoshop actions

Apply wooden frame using Photoshop actions

 Photo effects  4th October 2011 | Author: mat

Photoshop actions can spare you a great amount of time by automating the steps that would usually take a while.

Expose an object in color using Photoshop

Expose an object in color using Photoshop

 Colors  10th September 2013 | Author: NikMan

A simple Photoshop tutorial, where you may learn how to expose an object by leaving it in color while turning the rest of the photo black and white or sepia.

How to use content aware scaling the right way

How to use content aware scaling the right way

 Basics  5th September 2012 | Author: NikMan

We already published a similar tutorial, but this time we will find out how to resize images while the selected areas stay the same.

Displaying 81-96 of total 302
Basics Basics
Colors Colors
Drawing Drawing
Effects Effects
Photo effects Photo effects
Retouching Retouching
Text Text
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