If you know how many years or months you got left until the retirement or any other event or project in your life, Excel can return you the exact date and the number of days left to reach it.
Structured Query Language is the most widely used language for interacting with databases. Today we will learn how we can use SQL to insert or update data into MySql database.
If you don't have installed program for editing PDF documents on your computer, then you can use web application PDFescape which allows you to edit your documents in your browser.
In this lesson we will learn about free and excellent text editor that is only part of the whole Google offer. I will show you how to create a simple web document.
Last time we created an overlay pattern image using Photoshop. Today we will use that image on a website to give the full screen background a pattern overlay.
Some web pages have the Save image As... option disabled on a right click when you try to save an image. Let me show you how to get that image anyway using Firefox.