You can upload and import any MS Word document file to Google docs/drive as you can download and export a Google docs document to you computer and open it with MS Word.
If you manage a Facebook Page there is a very useful feature you might have missed. You can schedule your posts in advance or you can even date them back down on the Page timeline.
For those who just got the new LG flagship Android powered smartphone LG G2 and are not quite sure where to start, here is the very basic what to do after I turn the phone on tutorial.
You will learn how to set a link in a table or a single cell with a help of a short script using Adobe Dreamweaver. Using tables may be a bit old school, but it's a great way to learn about the HTML basics.
With the new version of Photoshop, you also get a new cropping tool called Perspective Crop Tool which will change the perspective on a image. Check it out, it really is a cool tool.