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How to download Nokia Here Maps for Offline use

How to download Nokia Here Maps for Offline use

 Mobile platforms  | Author: Sheeva

The new Nokia Here Maps have an option that enables you to download maps to your iPhone or iPad via Wi-Fi, so there won't be any data connection needed the next time you will be using the app.

Eco friendly Android phone

Eco friendly Android phone

 News  | Author: mat

Chinese company ADzero will be releasing an Android powered smartphone made of bamboo wood.

How to add start menu in Windows 8

How to add start menu in Windows 8

 Programs  | Author: bole

In this lesson I will show you, how to add Start menu in Windows 8. There are many different versions of applications, we will use StartW8.

How to use Toggle Track Output in Premiere

How to use Toggle Track Output in Premiere

 Adobe Premiere  | Author: Brodjan

In this lesson I will show you how to create an interesting effect in Premiere. Probably you've already seen it on television and so why not try to make it yourself?

Create a ribbon with custom logo using Photoshop

Create a ribbon with custom logo using Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: NikMan

I'm going to show you how to create an attractive ribbon with any given logo or text from scratch using Photoshop.

How to swap colors of clothes with Photoshop

How to swap colors of clothes with Photoshop

 Editor's pick  | Author: Jenny

Let's say you want a shirt but in color you have seen on some other shirt or piece of clothing. No biggie if you use the Photoshop.

Import and export Word documents to Google docs

Import and export Word documents to Google docs

 Web services  | Author: mat

You can upload and import any MS Word document file to Google docs/drive as you can download and export a Google docs document to you computer and open it with MS Word.

How to crop image into a perfect square using Gimp

How to crop image into a perfect square using Gimp

 The Gimp  | Author: mat

If you found yourself in a position where you wanted to crop a certain photo into a perfect square but you just couldn't figure it out how, than this tutorial is for you.

Boot Windows 8.1 straight to Desktop

Boot Windows 8.1 straight to Desktop

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: Brodjan

One of the new features in Windows 8.1 is a direct start to the desktop. I will show you how to set this feature up.

Protect Microsoft Office documents

Protect Microsoft Office documents

 Microsoft Office  | Author: Realife

In this tutorial, you can learn how to protect Word, Excel and PowerPoint files with password.

How to download YouTube videos with Google Chrome

How to download YouTube videos with Google Chrome

 Web services  | Author: mat

Let's install a YouTube download extension that will enable you to download YouTube movies. You will also learn how to install a Google Chrome extension that isn't in the Google Chrome store.

Change screen shot saving location on Mac OS X

Change screen shot saving location on Mac OS X

 Apple software  | Author: mat

By default, when you do a screen shot in Mac OS X, screen shot images get saved on a desktop. Let me show you how to change the location.

The practical explaination of Mask Tool in Photoshop

The practical explaination of Mask Tool in Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: NikMan

If have been using Photoshop for a while now, you must had also notice the Mask Tool. But do you know what exactly it does and how and when should you decide to you use it?

Install font on computer

Install font on computer

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: Realife

Collection of fonts on our computer is quite big, but sometimes we want to use some special font. We can find it on web and install it on computer for personal use.

Did they find God (particle) in CERN?

Did they find God (particle) in CERN?

 News  | Author: mat

Today a seminar was held in CERN about the Higgs search status. There were rumors they finally found the particle that would complete the standard model of partical physics.

Website design part 1

Website design part 1

 Web services  | Author: Brodjan

In first lesson, we will prepare everything for easier comfortable website design. We will install two free programs and set the basics for easy start of designing website. 

Displaying 1-16 of total 1945
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