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Displaying 17-32 of total 1945
Adobe Photoshop CC major updates

Adobe Photoshop CC major updates

 News  | Author: mat

Adobe just added some great looking new features such as Linked Smart Objects, Perspective Warp, Smart Objects and many more.

Email a webpage as PDF document in Mountain Lion

Email a webpage as PDF document in Mountain Lion

 Apple software  | Author: mat

Mac OS X Moutain Lion and its Safari web browser sharing options allow you to share and send any web page vie email as a PDF attachment in a matter of two clicks.

Create a Predator thermal vision effect with Photoshop

Create a Predator thermal vision effect with Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

Remember the legendary Predator movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger? Those Predator aliens had this thermal view feature so they could their prey even in complete darkness, let's Photoshop it.

How to make Windows 7 shutdown or restart faster

How to make Windows 7 shutdown or restart faster

 Editor's pick  | Author: TheDude

If you are tired of waiting for your Windows 7 computer to shutdown or restart, you can create a new shortcut that will speed up the process considerably.

Google as a default search on Windows Phone 8?

Google as a default search on Windows Phone 8?

 Links  | Author: mat

Will it be possible to change the default search from Bing to Google on Windows Phone 8 mobile devices?

Use Skype and other chat services via web page

Use Skype and other chat services via web page

 Web services  | Author: SoonerGooner

Really great and free service where you can chat using a bunch of services like Skype or Google Talk within your web browser, meaning you don't need to install anything on your computer.

Umbrella Skydive

Umbrella Skydive

 Links  | Author: TheDude

How many times have you asked yourself if jumping from the roof hold an opened umbrella would break the fall, well ask Erik Roner

How to activate games in Windows 7

How to activate games in Windows 7

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: mat

Windows 7 comes with the good old classics like Solitare or Minesweeper and some new ones, all you need to do is enable them.

How good do you know 1980s?

How good do you know 1980s?

 Knowledge Check  | Author: Cob

In the 1980s great social, economic and general changes had happened. Find out how familiar you are with this famous decade.

How to create a fluttering flag with Photoshop

How to create a fluttering flag with Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

Let's make flag flutter by using some nice tricks and applying a couple of different filters in Adobe Photoshop.

Add countdown timer to video in Adobe Premiere CC

Add countdown timer to video in Adobe Premiere CC

 Editor's pick  | Author: mat

Let me demonstrate you how easy it is to add an old school looking countdown timer or a so called universal counting leader to you video projects in Adobe Premiere CC.

Organize and view contacts on Nexus 4

Organize and view contacts on Nexus 4

 Mobile platforms  | Author: NikMan

If you like your contacts organized, I will show you how to do just that on your Android powered Google LG Nexus 4 smartphone.

Signature in Gmail

Signature in Gmail

 Web services  | Author: mat

You can add a custom signature in your Gmail account, so whenever you write an e-mail it's added automatically.

Multi-touch mouse for Windows 8

Multi-touch mouse for Windows 8

 Links  | Author: mat

Is there a mouse out there, that supports multi-touch gestures which make the Windows 8 experience on a non-touch screen computer or laptop better? Please share your thoughts and mice.

Old TV set effect

Old TV set effect

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

We're going to turn a photo into an old fashion TV picture and add it to an old school TV set.

First steps

First steps

 Languages  | Author: NikMan

Basic words to get familiar with German language for the very first time. You will learn how to say hello, goodbye and similar.

Displaying 17-32 of total 1945
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