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Save all email attachments at once in Outlook

Save all email attachments at once in Outlook

 Microsoft Office  | Author: mat

Sometimes you get an email with a lot of attachments and saving them one after another to your computer can be really time consuming. Let's learn how to save all Outlook attachments at the same time.

Insert or update data with SQL

Insert or update data with SQL

 Programming languages  | Author: podtalje

Structured Query Language is the most widely used language for interacting with databases. Today we will learn how we can use SQL to insert or update data into MySql database.

Owls are masters of camouflage

Owls are masters of camouflage

 Links  | Author: KimmyK

Who doesn't love owls, and after seeing 20 amazing examples of these feathery masters of disguise, you love them even more.

How to add bookmark link in Dreamweaver

How to add bookmark link in Dreamweaver

 Adobe Dreamweaver  | Author: Brodjan

In this lesson you will learn how to add script that allows site visitors to easily add page to favorites.

iPhone 5 video review by The Verge

iPhone 5 video review by The Verge

 Links  | Author: mat

As always great video review by The Verge of the new iPhone 5, it's suppose to be the best one yet.

What do you know about Curling?

What do you know about Curling?

 Knowledge Check  | Author: Cob

Curling is a sport in which players slide stones across a sheet of ice towards a target area which is segmented into four rings. The game is more than 400 years old. Take this quiz and find out how familiar you really are with this Ice game.

Fingerprint authentication reinvented?

Fingerprint authentication reinvented?

 Links  | Author: mat

PIPA team working on a fingerprint authentication for basically anything. Take a look at this promising project that still needs your funding to go into the production.

Homemade roasted chestnuts in a frying pan

Homemade roasted chestnuts in a frying pan

 Recipes  | Author: Realife

You don't need an open fire to roast chestnuts, you can roast them in a comfort of your own home over a kitchen hob and they will end up just as delicious.

Archive and download all of your Google data

Archive and download all of your Google data

 Web services  | Author: TheDude

If you use Google services such as Google Reader, Google Drive, YouTube, Contacts, Google+ Circles, Latitude, Picasa Web Albums and a few more, you can download all of your stuff to your computer.

WinRAR installation and usage

WinRAR installation and usage

 Other applications  | Author: mat

You got a .rar file and you don't how to open it, some one asked you to send him "a rar file" or you just need a good archiving software? Download and install WinRAR.

How to use Google now voice search

How to use Google now voice search

 Mobile platforms  | Author: NikMan

Google now is sort of an intelligent personal assistant that depending on the data that Google gathers knows you pretty well. One of the coolest functions of Google now is the voice recognition functionality.

Get an email if someone else logs in to your Facebook

Get an email if someone else logs in to your Facebook

 Web services  | Author: mat

If you are afraid of being hacked or someone else using your Facebook account you can enable option that will send you an email or text message in case your account has been accessed from a device that you never used before.

Add a folder shortcut to Favorites

Add a folder shortcut to Favorites

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: mat

If you are like me and don't like too many shortcuts on desktop you can add a shorcut to favorites in Windows Explorer.

How to add start menu in Windows 8

How to add start menu in Windows 8

 Programs  | Author: bole

In this lesson I will show you, how to add Start menu in Windows 8. There are many different versions of applications, we will use StartW8.

DropCap in Word

DropCap in Word

 Microsoft Office  | Author: Realife

We will add DropCap to first letter in our text. Text will look much better and like in newspaper.

Create chat room in few seconds

Create chat room in few seconds

 Web services  | Author: podtalje

With the help of tinychat.com we will create our own chat room with just a few clicks.

Displaying 1009-1024 of total 1945
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