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Displaying 689-704 of total 1945
How to browse websites in privacy using Chrome

How to browse websites in privacy using Chrome

 Web services  | Author: mat

If you don't want websites tracking you, and you don't want the pages you view to be saved in browse or search history, you need to active the incognito mode and this is what you need to do.



 Languages  | Author: NikMan

Family is THE most important thing in the world. Let's learn how to say mom, dad, granny and much more in German language.

Backing up your Apple computer with Time Machine

Backing up your Apple computer with Time Machine

 Apple software  | Author: mat

Mac OS X comes with a nice feature called Time Machine, which you can use to backup pictures, documents and other files on your Mac computer.

Zucchini stuffed with vegetables recipe

Zucchini stuffed with vegetables recipe

 Recipes  | Author: Cob

I will show you how to prepare very light and healty meal. I will show you my way how to prepare zucchini stuffed with vegetables.

Crunchy chicken Chinese style

Crunchy chicken Chinese style

 Editor's pick  | Author: Realife

If you like Asian style and if you like chicken, this one should be a piece of cake, or chicken?

When will HTML5 become standard in programming?

When will HTML5 become standard in programming?

 Links  | Author: NikMan

I heard that HTML5 will become standard in year 2022 and I wonder is that really possible?

Disable beeping sounds on Lenovo ThinkPads

Disable beeping sounds on Lenovo ThinkPads

 Other applications  | Author: mat

If you find the beeping sounds your Lenovo ThinkPad notebook does on various occasions, like hibernation or power loss annoying, then keep on reading.

Fascinating new HD video of Felix Baumagrtner's famous jump from the edge of the space

Fascinating new HD video of Felix Baumagrtner's famous jump from the edge of the space

 Links  | Author: mat

Click here and then scroll to the bottom for the brand new HD footage of the famous Red Bull Stratos jump. Simply incredible.

Incredible bank robbery Photoshop job

Incredible bank robbery Photoshop job

 Links  | Author: mat

The imaginary Big Notrust Bank Robbery, featuring five elderly men and a french bulldog leaving the scene of crime took the arist 4 hours 28 minutes and a grand total of 251 Photoshop layers.

Add a simple text watermark to picture using Gimp

Add a simple text watermark to picture using Gimp

 The Gimp  | Author: mat

Watermarks are a great way to protect your photographs if you don't want other people misusing them. We will create a simple but effective text and turn into a Gimp brush so you will be able to stamp your work.

Selecting tools in Adobe Photoshop

Selecting tools in Adobe Photoshop

 Knowledge Check  | Author: NikMan

Test your knowledge with answering some question about selecting tools in the most popular photo editor in the world.

How to make USB stick usable on Mac and  PC

How to make USB stick usable on Mac and PC

 Apple software  | Author: mat

If you want your USB stick to be compatible with Apple Mac computers and Windows PCs, this is how you do it in Mac OS X Mountain Lion.

How to uninstall an app in Windows Phone 8

How to uninstall an app in Windows Phone 8

 Mobile platforms  | Author: NikMan

With time it can happen you have a bunch of installed apps on your Windows Phone 8 powered phone you never use anymore, I suggest you to remove them to free some of the storage.

How to turn your Nexus 4 into a WiFi hotspot

How to turn your Nexus 4 into a WiFi hotspot

 Mobile platforms  | Author: NikMan

You can set your LG Nexus 4 to act as a wireless hotspot, so you and your friends can use it to connect to the Internet. 

Field A and field B are the same color

Field A and field B are the same color

 Links  | Author: NikMan

One of the best illusion trick out there. Check out the picture on featured post and say your opinion about it.

Autumn Transformation Photoshop Tutorial

Autumn Transformation Photoshop Tutorial

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: NikMan

We will open a summer photograph and with little tricks make autum colors on it. Simple and pretty simple tutorial to follow.

Displaying 689-704 of total 1945
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