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Displaying 689-704 of total 1945
What do you know about Galileo Galilei?

What do you know about Galileo Galilei?

 Knowledge Check  | Author: Brodjan

Galileo Galilei often known as Galileo, was a physicist, mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher who played a major role in the Scientific Revolution. Check your general knowledge.

How to use quick selection in Photoshop

How to use quick selection in Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

Photoshop CS3 and above comes with a useful and powerful Quick selection tool. Let's see how it works.

Quantum Computing Explained by Google

Quantum Computing Explained by Google

 Links  | Author: KidCurious

Let Google, with the help of their secret X Lab explain in a fun way, that even the non-science savy people shouldn't experience difficulties understanding the basics behind Quantum Computing and A.I.

Plurality, a short film about the future

Plurality, a short film about the future

 Links  | Author: NikMan

Interesting and a really great made short movie about New York's future and how our DNA will be the key to everything.

German words and terms from the field of nature

German words and terms from the field of nature

 Knowledge Check  | Author: podtalje

Another questioner to test your basic knowledge of the German language and build up your knowledge profile stats, this time you will go through some nature oriented questions.

Administrative Tools in Windows 8

Administrative Tools in Windows 8

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: Pena

If you would like to have easier and faster access to administrative tools in your Windows 8, then you should take a look at this lesson.

Remove image background in Powerpoint

Remove image background in Powerpoint

 Programs  | Author: podtalje

Learn two simple procedures how simple it is in Powerpoint to remove background from an image.

How to set an alarm clock on Nexus 4

How to set an alarm clock on Nexus 4

 Mobile platforms  | Author: NikMan

One of the more important features of any mobile phone, let me show you how to set an alarm so it will only ring on the specific days and not on weekends when you need your sleep the most.

How to upgrade your Mac to OS X Mountain Lion

How to upgrade your Mac to OS X Mountain Lion

 Apple software  | Author: mat

Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion is out and ready for download. If you are willing to invest $20 and an hour of your time to upgrade you Mac computer, you won't be sorry.

Why is discovery of gravitational waves a scientifical breakthrough

Why is discovery of gravitational waves a scientifical breakthrough

 News  | Author: Spaceman

"It's not everyday you wake up and learn something completely new about the early universe." This really is an incredible discovery, a whole new era in physics and cosmology.

Ridiculously hi-res panorama photo of Mars surface

Ridiculously hi-res panorama photo of Mars surface

 Links  | Author: mat

NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity took an amazing 360 high-resolution panoramic photo of the Mars' terrain.

General knowledge about World languages

General knowledge about World languages

 Knowledge Check  | Author: podtalje

Verify you general knowledge about languages in the world by answering a few interesting questions.

Photoshop personalized New Year greeting card part 2

Photoshop personalized New Year greeting card part 2

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

Create a New Year's card made out of pictures and photos that made your year. This is the part two of the Photoshop tutorial.

World event time announcer

World event time announcer

 Web services  | Author: NikMan

You are preparing a world wide event in your city and you want to be sure that every person around the world will know the exact time in their city. You will find out how in this tutorial.

Microsoft has got a new logo

Microsoft has got a new logo

 Links  | Author: mat

25 years after the original logo, Microsoft introduced a whole new corporate logo and a new look for its brands.

Turn on signature in Hotmail

Turn on signature in Hotmail

 Web services  | Author: mat

I will show you how add a custom signature to you Hotmail account, so every time you write an e-mail, signature gets added automatically.

Displaying 689-704 of total 1945
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