If you can't copy files that are bigger than 2 or 4 GB, usually HD movies and such, on to your USB key, it's usually due to the file system the USB key is formatted to.
Basic Photoshop tutorial for everyone where we will open any color photograph and then with a little trick create a nice gradient color transition to black and white.
It's highly recommended to protect your computer against Virus, Malware, Spyware and other potential threats. Microsoft Security Essentials is one of the better, free solutions.
Manyof uscan't imagine lifewithout a mobile phone.We can saythatmobile telephonyis developingwith the speed of light.But how muchdo you really knowabout the history ofthe development ofmobile phones?
The world's most famous fully electric car, Tesla S went up in flames after a traffic collision with another car. The aftermath of the incident resulted in a decreased value of Tesla's shares. Come in and scroll down for the video.