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Displaying 369-384 of total 1945
Use Tweetdeck app to boost your twitter performace

Use Tweetdeck app to boost your twitter performace

 Other applications  | Author: mat

If you are a heavy twitter use, possibly with more then one account, than I suggest you to give Tweetdeck a try. You can arrange, schedule, monitor and manage your tweets with ease.

Transparent pattern over website background with CSS

Transparent pattern over website background with CSS

 Programming languages  | Author: mat

Last time we created an overlay pattern image using Photoshop. Today we will use that image on a website to give the full screen background a pattern overlay.

Write a personalized letter in Word using Excel data

Write a personalized letter in Word using Excel data

 Editor's pick  | Author: mat

Mail merge is one of the most useful features of Microsoft Word when wanting to send personalized letters, documents or e-mails to people you have stored in an Excel sheet. Let me show you how to use it.

Create MySql database with phpMyAdmin

Create MySql database with phpMyAdmin

 Programming languages  | Author: podtalje

We will learn basic usage of phpMyAdmin, one of the most popular applications for editing MySql databases.

Notification rules in Google Drive Table

Notification rules in Google Drive Table

 Web services  | Author: Cob

You can set notifications to find out when your collaborators have modified your spreadsheets, and learn what sheets or cells they've modified. You can also choose how often you'd like to be notified.

How to restore deleted files

How to restore deleted files

 Other applications  | Author: bole

Sometimes we accidantally delete files from our disk or USB drive. In this lesson I will show you how to restore deleted files.

Visit the abandoned Hashima island with Steert View

Visit the abandoned Hashima island with Steert View

 Links  | Author: mat

Amazing ghost town island that served as an inspiration for the lair of the Raoul Silva - the bad guy in the 2012 James Bond movie Skyfall.

How to merge and split cells in Dreamweaver Table

How to merge and split cells in Dreamweaver Table

 Adobe Dreamweaver  | Author: Cob

Tables and cells are an important parts in designing websites. I'll show you the basics of merging and spliting.

Sports and places

Sports and places

 Languages  | Author: NikMan

Sports and physical activities are a great way to release your every day stress. Let's learn some basic sport related words in Italian language.

Awe-inspiring GoPro video with majestic lions

Awe-inspiring GoPro video with majestic lions

 Links  | Author: KimmyK

Thank god for people like Kevin Richardson who made this beautiful video possible. You will get to see lions and other majestic animals from a whole new first-person perspective.

Apple Mac OS X Mountain Lion preview

Apple Mac OS X Mountain Lion preview

 News  | Author: mat

Take a look at a preview of the new version of Apple OS X 10.8 called Mountain Lion.

Amazing timelaps video taken from space

Amazing timelaps video taken from space

 Links  | Author: TheDude

You need to see this, it's a timlapse video made of photographs taken from the International Space Station.

How to do a simple DOF effect with Gimp

How to do a simple DOF effect with Gimp

 The Gimp  | Author: TheDude

Let me show you how to achieve that Depth Of Field effect known from the photography using Gimp. With other words, how to make selected area of the photo sharp and the rest out of focus.

Field A and field B are the same color

Field A and field B are the same color

 Links  | Author: NikMan

One of the best illusion trick out there. Check out the picture on featured post and say your opinion about it.

How to use Set in and Set out points to cut the video

How to use Set in and Set out points to cut the video

 Adobe Premiere  | Author: Brodjan

In this lesson I will show you how to cut the video with the help of Set In and Set Out points. This tool is very useful if you want to cut the video more accurately.

How to change user password in OS X Mavericks

How to change user password in OS X Mavericks

 Apple software  | Author: mat

Changing a password of your Mac OS Mavericks computer is very simple, you just need to know to look for it. Let me show you.

Displaying 369-384 of total 1945
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