Nature is everything around us, we are nature and we should be doing everything in our power to preserve it. Now let's learn about nature in German language.
Let me show you how to set up a Wi-Fi hotspot on Nokia Lumia 920 and other Windows Phone 8 devices so you can share the Internet to other Wi-Fi enabled devices.
The video you are about to witness is a live camera recording of a live projection-mapping performance. Meaning, no special effects or CGI were used in this video, amazing.
Capturing a screen of your iPad into an image can be quite useful sometimes, without that option, making this tutorial would not be as simple as it was.
In this simple tutorial suitable for the Gimp beginners as well, we are going to manipulate a photograph of standing still car to make it look like it's passing by real fast.
Another mind-blowing timelapse project powered by Google in collaboration with Time magazine. Check out the amazing satellite images, taken from space from 1984 to 2012.
Dreamweaver provides several tools in determining the behavior of individual elements on the page. In this lesson we will show you an interesting one, how to change an image above the link.