Windows 8 has very functional calendar to remind you about all events you don't want to miss. In this lesson I will show you an example how to add birthday reminder.
If you don't want anybody to see your profile on your computer you can lock it with the password. In this lesson I will show you how you can set different password options to log in, in Windows 8.
Windows 8 brings just two quick view of all the files in a particular folder, which are set by default in Windows Explorer. You'll learn where to find other views.
If you need, besides major accounts, an extra account with limited access to data, you can add Windows 8 Guest account. The process is almost the same as in Windows 7.
You don't need to be a developer, and IT employee or a manufacturer to be able to get the 90-days evaluation version of Windows 8 Enterprise and you don't need to use the torrents to get it as well.