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Science and nature

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Coldest place on Earth

Coldest place on Earth

 Science and nature  16th December 2013 | Author: mat

Scientists have recorded the new lowest temperatures on Earth since the record from 1983. And let me tell, the numbers are breathtaking low.

Glacieres in Himalaya are melting slower as expected

Glacieres in Himalaya are melting slower as expected

 Science and nature  21st February 2012 | Author: mat

A new study shows, in years 2003-2010 about 4 billion metric tons of  Himalayan glacier's ice melted away, that's less then 10 percent of the amount that was predicted before.

Blue whales are great underwater acrobats

Blue whales are great underwater acrobats

 Science and nature  30th November 2012 | Author: KimmyK

Scientists have found that the largest animal in the world performs underwater acrobatics to successfully catch the huge amounts of their prey which really is amazing considering its size.

Scientists have discovered a new human body part

Scientists have discovered a new human body part

 Science and nature  6th November 2013 | Author: mat

This sounds pretty amazing if not impossible, but the scientists revealed they found a new, previously unknown body part in the human knee.

7.4 cubic km of ice crashing into the ocean

7.4 cubic km of ice crashing into the ocean

 Science and nature  13th December 2012 | Author: mat

The largest iceberg calving ever documented on a film, imagine the Manhattan breaking apart in front of your eyes.

World's biggest offshore wind turbine is complete

World's biggest offshore wind turbine is complete

 Science and nature  26th November 2013 | Author: TheDude

French engineering company have announced that its new generation wind turbine is finally finished and ready to produce some serious megawatts of electricity.

New terrifying dinosaur found in North America

New terrifying dinosaur found in North America

 Science and nature  22nd November 2013 | Author: KimmyK

Breaking news! A new species of predatory dinosaur, that probably terrorized the mighty T-Rex has been found in North America.

Humans carry fifth of Neanderthal's genetic code

Humans carry fifth of Neanderthal's genetic code

 Science and nature  31st January 2014 | Author: mat

Due to sexual encounters between Neanderthals and our direct ancestors we carry quite a fair chunk of Neanderthal's genome.

CERN says Higgs Boson does exist

CERN says Higgs Boson does exist

 Science and nature  4th July 2012 | Author: mat

Finally, CERN scientists announced that they proved existence of the most wanted particle, Higgs Boson.

Rex, the world's most high-tech humanoid

Rex, the world's most high-tech humanoid

 Science and nature  6th February 2013 | Author: mat

Rex is the most advanced humanoid in the world and it was shown to the public yesterday in London. It has a beating heart and eyes that can see. Meet Rex and its human doppelganger with bionic arm.

The biggest lab on wheels landed on Mars

The biggest lab on wheels landed on Mars

 Science and nature  6th August 2012 | Author: mat

Rover Curiosity, the biggest laboratory on wheels, successfully landed on the Red Planet's deepest crater called Gale and you can follow it on Twitter and Facebook as well.

Explore Grand Canyon with Google Maps

Explore Grand Canyon with Google Maps

 Science and nature  5th February 2013 | Author: mat

You always wanted to visit the Grand Canyon but it isn't exactly nearby where you live? You can now click or swipe your way across the 75 miles of trails and surrounding roads, thanks to Google.

Did they find God (particle) in CERN?

Did they find God (particle) in CERN?

 Science and nature  13th December 2011 | Author: mat

Today a seminar was held in CERN about the Higgs search status. There were rumors they finally found the particle that would complete the standard model of partical physics.

New river dolphin species found in Brazil

New river dolphin species found in Brazil

 Science and nature  27th January 2014 | Author: KimmyK

It has been more than 100 years since scientists found a new river dolphin species and now they believe they found it in one of the rivers of the vast Amazon forest in Brazil.

Huge king sized wasp found in Indonesia

Huge king sized wasp found in Indonesia

 Science and nature  28th March 2012 | Author: KimmyK

Scientists have discovered a new species of giant, venomous wasp on Indonesian island. You really need to see this awesome insect.

A never seen before cat on camera in Himalayas

A never seen before cat on camera in Himalayas

 Science and nature  30th October 2012 | Author: mat

A sneaky, thick-furred Pallas cat has been caught in the Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan for the very first time, how great is that?

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