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Adobe Dreamweaver

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Change the color on mouse rollover using CSS

Change the color on mouse rollover using CSS

 Navigation  29th March 2013 | Author: NikMan

Why using an image if you can use CSS style in a way the button color changes when you run a pointer over it.

My first web page in Dreamweaver

My first web page in Dreamweaver

 Basics  18th September 2011 | Author: mat

A really basic lessons for the beginners who want to learn how to start working with Adobe Dreamweaver.

Create a simple Dreamweaver form

Create a simple Dreamweaver form

 Adobe Dreamweaver  5th November 2013 | Author: bole

In this lesson we will create a simple form where visitors can enter the name, e-mail address and send it to a specific address.

How to create Flash text button in Dreamweaver

How to create Flash text button in Dreamweaver

 Basics  18th November 2013 | Author: Brodjan

The Flash text object lets you create and insert a Flash SWF file that contains just text. This allows you to create a small, vector-graphic movie with the designer fonts and text of your choice.

Links between web pages

Links between web pages

 Navigation  14th November 2013 | Author: bole

We will create three new web pages for an imaginary company. Then we will link them to allow transitions between them.

How to use iframe function in Dreamweaver

How to use iframe function in Dreamweaver

 Settings  7th January 2014 | Author: Cob

In this lesson I will show you how you can use iframe function to open some other website within your own website.

How to set automatic redirection in Dreamweaver

How to set automatic redirection in Dreamweaver

 Navigation  21st January 2014 | Author: Cob

In this lesson I will show you how you can use meta tags for redirecting the user to the desired page.

CSS basics in Adobe Dreamweaver

CSS basics in Adobe Dreamweaver

 Basics  3rd January 2014 | Author: Brodjan

It is more practical for your web page to use the CSS file, which defines all of the fonts that you want to use.

How to use Play sound behavior in Dreamweaver

How to use Play sound behavior in Dreamweaver

 Settings  16th November 2013 | Author: Pena

In this lesson I will show you how to use Play Sound behavior to play the music just by clicking on a link.

How to use Swap image behavior in Dreamweaver

How to use Swap image behavior in Dreamweaver

 Navigation  9th November 2013 | Author: bole

Dreamweaver provides several tools in determining the behavior of individual elements on the page. In this lesson we will show you an interesting one, how to change an image above the link.

 Open Browser Window behavior in Dreamweaver

Open Browser Window behavior in Dreamweaver

 Basics  12th November 2013 | Author: bole

Use the Open Browser Window behavior to open a page in new window. We will insert an image in a document, than we will set a value to the image to open new window by clicking on inserted image. 

How to create a link to image in Dreamweaver

How to create a link to image in Dreamweaver

 Navigation  11th December 2013 | Author: Brodjan

In this lesson I will show you how to create a web link on specific part of the picture and how to define a link that opens when a user clicks the hotspot area.

Link in a table a dreamweaver HTML tutorial

Link in a table a dreamweaver HTML tutorial

 Settings  14th December 2012 | Author: starcitizen

You will learn how to set a link in a table or a single cell with a help of a short on.click script using Adobe Dreamweaver. Using tables may be a bit old school, but it's a great way to learn about the HTML basics.

How to add confirmation when leaving a web page

How to add confirmation when leaving a web page

 Settings  7th February 2013 | Author: NikMan

Very useful Javascript feature that can prevent a user from losing the data they are entering in an entry field or text editor in case of unintentional leaving of a page.

How to add bookmark link in Dreamweaver

How to add bookmark link in Dreamweaver

 Settings  25th December 2013 | Author: Brodjan

In this lesson you will learn how to add script that allows site visitors to easily add page to favorites.

First web page in Dreamweaver

First web page in Dreamweaver

 Basics  10th February 2011 | Author: Realife

In this tutorial, you can learn how to organize and create your first web page. We will create folder on our computer and save simple .html file to it.

Displaying 17-32 of total 38
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