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Displaying 273-288 of total 1105
How to count number of words and rows in Linux files

How to count number of words and rows in Linux files

 Open source programs  24th July 2013 | Author: mat

Linux wc is a simple command that enables you to find out how many words and rows does a text file or output contain.

Dramatic clouds in the sky using Photoshop

Dramatic clouds in the sky using Photoshop

 Photo effects  18th December 2011 | Author: mat

We will learn how to create that dramatic moving clouds effect by simply applying a filter.

Video transitions in Adobe Premiere

Video transitions in Adobe Premiere

 Video editing basics  6th December 2011 | Author: mat

Another basic ingredient in video editing are transitions between clips, let's find out how to apply them.

Password protect your USB drive

Password protect your USB drive

 Windows 7  24th October 2011 | Author: mat

In Windows 7 Ultimate and Enterprise you can use the BitLocker to password protect and encrypt data on your drives.

Download and install Samsung Kies

Download and install Samsung Kies

 Other programs  3rd January 2012 | Author: mat

Samsung Kies is a program for transfering files between your Samsung mobile device and computer, syncronizing your Outlook contacts and tasks and much more.

My first Excel document

My first Excel document

 Microsoft Excel  12th September 2011 | Author: mat

Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2010, let's make a simple accounting sheet.

How to move Mac OS X Dock to side of a screen

How to move Mac OS X Dock to side of a screen

 Mac OS X  18th May 2012 | Author: mat

Want to try out how it feels with Dock being vertical at the left or right side of your screen?

Where to find Internet settings of my mobile provider?

Where to find Internet settings of my mobile provider?

 Web sites  31st December 2013 | Author: mat

If there is no WiFi hotspot available and you still want to surf the web with your mobile device, you need to have your mobile provider's APN settings entered and this is where you find them.

How to blur the video clip in Premiere

How to blur the video clip in Premiere

 Animations and effects  12th November 2013 | Author: Pena

Sometimes you don't want others to see what stupid things you are doing on the video clip. In this lesson you will learn how to blur the particulary part of the video.

How to use Cage Transform tool in Gimp

How to use Cage Transform tool in Gimp

 Basics  24th May 2012 | Author: mat

Cage Transform tool is really a great tool you can have tons of fun with, let me show you how to use it.

Turn video black and white in Adobe Premiere

Turn video black and white in Adobe Premiere

 Color settings  21st December 2011 | Author: mat

Let's me show you how to turn your color video clips into black and white using a Adobe Premiere video effects.

Plan your trip with Nokia N9 using Nokia Maps

Plan your trip with Nokia N9 using Nokia Maps

 Nokia N9  22nd February 2012 | Author: NikMan

Nokia claims to have the the best maps of all the mobile phones. Lets see if you can plan a trip and check the point of interests on the way.

Use Skype and other chat services via web page

Use Skype and other chat services via web page

 Chat programs  27th December 2012 | Author: SoonerGooner

Really great and free service where you can chat using a bunch of services like Skype or Google Talk within your web browser, meaning you don't need to install anything on your computer.

How to shut down Windows 8

How to shut down Windows 8

 Windows 8  19th November 2013 | Author: Brodjan

It may sound too simple, but I've met quite a few users who no longer know where is the option to shut down Microsoft Windows 8.

How to create engraved text effect on a Website

How to create engraved text effect on a Website

 HTML  18th July 2012 | Author: mat

As you probably noticed on a lot of websites these days, there is an engraved looking effect added to text, let me show you how to add that effect using CSS.

How to set Shutdown icon in taskbar in Windows 8

How to set Shutdown icon in taskbar in Windows 8

 Windows 8  5th December 2013 | Author: Brodjan

Similar guide for Windows 8 is already posted on the site, but here you will get familiar how to add an shutdown icon to your taskbar.

Displaying 273-288 of total 1105
Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Office Microsoft Office
Adobe Photoshop Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Dreamweaver Adobe Dreamweaver
Adobe Premiere Adobe Premiere
The Gimp The Gimp
Apple software Apple software
Mobile platforms Mobile platforms
Web services Web services
Other applications Other applications
Programming languages Programming languages
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